释义 |
diesel dyke; diesel dike noun a strong, forceful, aggressive lesbian US, 1959- Well, honey, that butch numbuh turns out to be a les-bay-an–the butchest dam diesel dike y’evuh laid yuh gay eyes on! — John Rechy, City of Night, p. 354, 1963
- And this one coming in–watch out for her–she’s a diesel dike. — Donald Webster Cory, The Lesbian in America, p. 201, 1964
- Two cases in point are Maria and Dickie, the former a fem, the later a stompin’ diesel dyke. — Ruth Allison, Lesbianism, p. 73, 1967
- On the other hand, I once overheard a man fighting with a diesel-dyke over a girl they both wanted[.] — Maledicta, p. 11, Summer 1977
- This blunt word [dyke] is the most common vernacular term in America for “lesbian,” especially one regarded as mannish–note the intensives bull-dyke (or bull-dagger) and diesel dyke. — Wayne Dynes, Homolexis, p. 44, 1985
- The perfect homo companion for a junkie diesel dyke who relaxed listening to CD’s of the Ontario 500 while selfirrigating with homemade herbal colonics. — Seth Morgan, Homeboy, p. 16, 1990
- Have you ever gotten a lipstick smeared Christmas card from a two hundred pound diesel dyke? — James Ellroy, Hollywood Nocturnes, p. 25, 1994