

词组 clock
释义 clock
  1. to catch sight of or notice someone or something; to watch someone or something US, 1929
    • The boys down at Chelsea nick every time they clock my boat[.] — Derek Raymond (Robin Cook), The Crust on its Uppers, 1962
    • Big, gap-toothed smile of surprise, like we wasn’t clocked before we came in the door, comes up from the pool table. — Edwin Torres, After Hours, p. 170, 1979
    • When you walked in, Eddie, did you clock the two chinks? — Vincent Patrick, The Pope of Greenwich Village, p. 36, 1979
    • [S]ome geezer I ain’t never clocked before who keeps asking me stupid questions. — Greg Williams, Diamond Geezers, p. 35, 1997
    • We sat back sipping our teas clocking Slip gobbing his apples. — Jeremy Cameron, Brown Bread in Wengen, p. 114, 1999
  2. to watch someone patiently; especially to follow someone with the purpose of discovering the details of a bet UK
    • — Frank Norman, Bang to Rights, 1958
    • To “clock” someone is to follow someone and see what he backs. This is sometimes expressed as “Get on his daily [tail]”. — Sunday Telegraph, 7 May 1967
  3. to keep track of a slot machine in an effort to make an educated guess as to when it will pay off US
    • There’s a machine I’m clocking. Jackpot’s getting up where it’s getting interesting. — J. Edward Allen, The Basics of Winning Slots, p. 56, 1984
  4. to keep track of the money involved in a game or an enterprise US
    • — Robert C. Prus and C.R.D. Sharper, Road Hustler, p. 169, 1977
  5. to register on the speedometer; to attain a particular speed UK, 1892
    From CLOCK (a speedometer).
  6. to figure something out, to evaluate something US, 1961
    • I mean, he was already in Vegas a couple of years and he had the fuckin’ place clocked. — Casino, 1995
  7. to earn something US
    • — Ellen C. Bellone (Editor), Dictionary of Slang, p. 7, 1989
  8. to punch, to strike with the fist UK, 1932
    Perhaps, originally, “to hit in the CLOCK
  9. Peter was so mad he clocked Perce good and hearty. — Charles Raven, Underworld Nights, p. 45, 1956
  10. “Finally the fool clocked a sergeant in the locker room at the end of a shift. Knocked him cold.” — Vincent Patrick, The Pope of Greenwich Village, p. 112, 1979
  11. — Connie Eble (Editor), UNC-CH Campus Slang, p. 2, April 1997
  12. “How about the guy you clocked?” “He tried to stiff [cheat] me.[”] — Janet Evanovich, Seven Up, p. 94, 2001
  13. One day I’d clock Kev. I could see it coming. — Jonathan Gash, The Ten Word Game, p. 187, 2003
  14. Butler then clocked the victor with his best punch of the night[.] — FHM, p. 158, June 2003
  15. to sell drugs on the street US
    • This kid Strike is now out there on the streets clocking for Rodney, like his lieutenant or something, OK? — Richard Price, Clockers, p. 447, 1992
    • — Mark S. Fleisher, Beggars & Thieves, p. 287, 1995
  16. to wind back the mileometer (odometer) of a vehicle to increase its sale value US
    • American Speech, p. 309–310, Winter 1980: “More jargon of car salesmen.”
    • About 90% of the used cars coming into New Zealand had done more miles than their odometers indicated. They had been “clocked.” — Sunday Star-Times, p. C13, 23 July 1995
  17. to recognize someone as transgendered US
    • And many of the women were all too happy to focus on their appearance as they lived in terror of being “clocked”–street slang for being identified as trans–or being called a “brick”–a derogatory term for a trans woman who appears masculine. — The Advocate, p. 34, 27 March 2007
clock in
to visit your boyfriend or girlfriend only out of a sense of duty US
  • I’d love to drink and throw stuff off the roof with you guys, but I have to clock in with the boss or she’ll cut me off. — Ben Applebaum and Derrick Pittman, Turd Ferguson & The Sausage Party, p. 13, 2004
clock in the green room
while surfing, to take a long ride inside the hollow of a breaking wave US
  • — Trevor Cralle, The Surfin’ary, p. 21, 1991
clock the action
to understand what is happening and what is being said US
  • Dobie Gillis Teenage Slanguage Dictionary, 1962




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