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desperate noun- a gambling addict AUSTRALIA
- The late Stan was driving his car out of the carpark at Rosehill races when a “desperate” hailed him for a lift. — Frank Hardy and Athol George Mulley, The Needy and the Greedy, p. 58, 1975
- Grumpy, as they say in the racing game, was a desperate. — Roy Higgins and Tom Prior, The Jockey Who Laughed, p. 74, 1982
- Snowy and the other vice squad boys knew that shonky clubs would appear all over the place to cater for those desperates who must have a bet. — Clive Galea, Slipper, p. 101, 1988
- a person who exhibits desperation in seeking sexual partners AUSTRALIA
- Most of the desperates were now turning to the massage parlours for a blow job, and sometimes you even got a massage thrown in. — Robert English, Toxic Kisses, p. 19, 1979
- Known globally as The Desperates, they’d driven their convertibles from all four corners of the globe in the hope of picking up one of Hot Bun’s rejects. — Gretel Killeen, Hot Buns and Ophelia get a Bloke, p. 79, 2000