

词组 scarper
释义 scarper
  1. to depart, especially in a hurry UK, 1844
    Ultimately Italian scappare (to run away) or, less likely, rhyming slang for Scapa Flow for (to go); via polari into more general usage. Variants include “scarpa”, “scaper”, “scarpy” and “scapli”.
    • His jills told him to take it out of the horse tent and scarper off their tober [circus ground], John Orderly [quickly]. — Butch Reynolds, Broken Hearted Clown, p. 28, 1953
    • Then this screw signs the form the copper gives him and the copper scarpers. — John Peter Jones, Feather Pluckers, p. 61, 1964
    • Scarper, mates–this isn’t our fight! — The Sweeney, p. 59, 1976
    • Has the father of your kid scarpered? — Mary Hooper, (megan)2, p. 48, 1999
    • [W]e were going to abort the mission and scarpa. — J.J. Connolly, Layer Cake, p. 21, 2000
    • — Paul Baker, Polari, p. 189, 2002
  2. to remove something; to dismiss someone UK
    Circus; a variation of the previous sense.
    • “I’ll scarper him tomorrow”, means that I shall get rid of him tomorrow and “scarper that chat” means get rid of that thing. — Butch Reynolds, Broken Hearted Clown, p. 31, 1953




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