

词组 tell
释义 tell
I’ll tell you what; tell you what
I’ll tell you something; this is how it is; often as the introduction to a suggestion UK, 1596
  • If you grip, it won’t always fall on the floor. I’ll tell you what. Why don’t we just put it on the table? — Meet Joe Black, 1998
tell it like it is
  1. to speak directly, candidly and with a self-righteous conviction of access to a great truth US
    • “This play is different because it’s the truth,” they tell you. “We go on stage and we tell it like it is.” — Los Angeles Free Press, p. 6, 25 June 1965
    • Alinksy Tells it Like It Is [Headline] — Berkeley Barb, p. 3, 2 December 1966
    • In Harlem, on the other hand, to tell it like it is, is to call a spade a spade. — Sidney Bernard, This Way to the Apocalypse, p. 57, 1968
  2. to tell the whole truth US, 1964
    In black usage originally.
    • A man, on the other hand, will tell it like it is[.] — Myreah Moore, Date Like a Man, p. 83, 2001
tell on
to inform on someone UK, 1539
  • Malik screamed back at me that he was never going to play Macbeth and that he was going to tell on me. “I’m going to make a complaint,” he shouted as he rushed out of the room — The Observer, 29 February 2004
tell the tale
in a swindle, to explain to the victim just how he will profit from the arrangement being proposed US
  • — Lindsay E. Smith and Bruce A. Walstad, Sting Shift, p. 117, 1989: “Glossary”
tell you where to get off
to severely rebuke you; to scold you US, 1900
  • [T]he Islamist organisation Hamas told Palestinian PM Abu Mazen where to get off. — The Observer, 8 June 2003
tell you where to stick it
to emphatically reject UK
A variation of “stick it up your arse”.
  • Appreciate the extra work you chaps did for us this evening. Could’ve told us where to stick it. — Kevin Sampson, Powder, p. 35, 1999




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