

词组 roustabout
释义 roustabout
  1. in oil drilling, an unskilled oil field worker US, 1948
    • — Jerry Robertson, Oil Slanguage, p. 105, 1954
  2. a general assistant on a rural property AUSTRALIA, 1940
    Variant of ROUSEABOUT
  3. It had been Rufe’s first job after he left school, roustabout in this pub. — Wilda Moxham, The Apprentice, p. 164, 1969
  4. The roustabout looked at it, woebegone[.] — Bob Ellis and Anne Brooksbank, Mad Dog Morgan, p. 88, 1976
  5. I obtained a job as a roustabout with one of the smaller circuses[.] — Ward McNally, Supper at Happy Harry’s, p. 90, 1982




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