

词组 righteous
释义 righteous
  1. very good, excellent, fine; honest; satisfactory US, 1942
    Conventional English with a religious overtone propelled into hip slang by context and emphasis in pronunciation.
    • In the late summer of 1924 I got the band together and we headed for the Martinique Inn at Indiana Harbor, righteous and ready. — Mezz Mezzrow, Really the Blues, p. 70, 1946
    • That from all these ace-stamped studs we double our love kick to that righteous ride for which they cats hard-sounded the last nth bong of the bell of their bell. — William “Lord” Buckley, The Gettysburg Address, 1951
    • Ah, these righteous dudes, they love to screw it on. — Hunter S. Thompson, Hell’s Angels, p. 3, 1966
    • Owsley makes righteous acid, said the heads. — Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, p. 188, 1968
    • Yes it makes me righteous, yes it makes me feel whole / Yes it makes me mellow down in to my soul. — Van Morrison, Crazy Love, 1970
    • No offense, but it sounds to me like Cincinnati ain’t no healthy place for a righteous dude to be in. — Gurney Norman, Divine Right’s Trip (Last Whole Earth Catalog), p. 193, 1971
    • “It’ll get you so righteous ripped,” Cob promises Jerry. — John Rechy, The Fourth Angel, p. 31, 1972
    • Yeahhh, man... George Raft was a sho’ ‘nuff righteous dude. — Odie Hawkins, Chicago Hustle, p. 7, 1977
    • C’mon brah, there’s a righteous swell. — Break Point, 1991
  2. used of a drug, relatively pure and undiluted US
    • I hear it’s a very good scene there. Not much heat, beautiful people, no speed freaks, and righteous dope. — Nicholas Von Hoffman, We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us Against, p. 47, 1967
    • — William D. Alsever, Glossary for the Establishment and Other Uptight People, p. 16, December 1970
    • In the earlier part of 1967 there was a whole lot of righteous weed and even more righteous acid floating around the rainbow colony[.] — John Sinclair, Guitar Army, p. 286, 1972
    • So I did these two hits of this acid. It was a righteous five hundred mikes. — Stephen Gaskin, Amazing Dope Tales, p. 133, 1980
    • Some, uh, really righteous grass. — George V. Higgins, Penance for Jerry Kennedy, p. 228, 1985




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