

词组 rib
释义 rib
  1. a wife or girlfriend UK, 1589
    From the biblical creation tale, with Eve springing from Adam’s rib.
    • Current Slang, p. 40, Fall 1968
    • Two of ‘em looked like apes, so I picked Walter’s rib to sleep with. — A.S. Jackson, Gentleman Pimp, p. 32, 1973
  2. Rohypnol (flunitrazepam), popularly known as the “date-rape drug” US
    • On the street the drug has many nicknames; teenagers know it as rope, ribs, or roaches. — Texas Monthly, p. 88, September 1995
  3. MDMA, the recreational drug best known as ecstasy UK
    • — Mike Haskins, Drugs, p. 290, 2003




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