

词组 stomper
释义 stomper
  1. an aggressive, “mannish” lesbian US
    • Known variously as a bull, a stomper, a bad butch, a hard dresser, a truck driver, a diesel dyke, a bull dagger and a half dozen other soubriquets, she is the one who, according to most homosexual girls, gives lesbians a bad name. — Ruth Allison, Lesbianism, p. 125, 1967
  2. the foot; a shoe, especially a heavy shoe US
    Also used in the variant “stomp”.
    • I started livin' and usin' drugs and buyin' clothes, strides and stomps that’d set you back a whole month’s pay! — Clarence Cooper Jr, The Scene, p. 137, 1960
    • — Janey Ironside, A Fashion Alphabet, p. 134, 1968
    • Sucker, first booty “butt” you don’t transport no “hard” [drugs] in your “stomp” keep it in your mitt [hand] so you can down [throw] it fast to the turf. — Iceberg Slim (Robert Beck), Pimp, p. 64, 1969
    • — David Claerbaut, Black Jargon in White America, p. 81, 1972




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