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not in my name; not in our name
used worldwide by various humanitarian and anti-war protesters as a slogan of disavowal of prevailing attitudes US “Not In My Name” (NITM) was adopted, in November 2000, as the name of a Chicago-based Jewish peace group opposed to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian Territories.- VOICE 1: The state says: VOICE 3: An eye for an eye. VOICE 2a: We say: VOICES: 2,4,5: Not in my name. [...] VOICE 1: The Judge says: VOICE 3: Lethal injection. VOICE 2a: We say: VOICES 2,4,5 and SUPPORTERS: Not in my name! — Living Theatre Not In My Name (a Protest Play Against the Death Penalty), 1994
- Jews Gather To Organize Against Israel’s Crackdown on Palestinians. “Not in My Name” — Village Voice, 16–22 May 2001
- When we see this barabarism, this criminality that Israel perpetrates [...] I am forced to say: Not in my name. — Ronnie Kasrils, (Jewish) Cabinet Minister, South Africa, 21 April 2002
- New Video Documentary ... “NOT IN MY NAME” A powerful new documentary film has been launched to tell the story of the US attack on Afghanistan which we DIDN’T see on our television screens. — Norman Thomas, TV Choice, Press Release, March 2002
- President Bush has declared: “you’re either with us or against us.” Here is our answer: We refuse to allow you to speak for all the American people. We will not give up our right to question. We will not hand over our consciences in return for a hollow promise of safety. We say NOT IN OUR NAME. We refuse to be party to these wars and we repudiate any inference that they are being waged in our name or for our welfare. — over 55,000 signatories Not In Our Name, a Statement of Conscience, 21 March 2003
- We believe that as people living / in Australia it is our / responsibility to resist the injustices done by our government, in our names. / Not in our name / will you wage endless war / there can be no more deaths / no more transfusions of blood for oil. — Ron Gray and 4,916 signatories, Australian Peace Commitee, 21 March 2003