

词组 frame
释义 frame
  1. the general circumstance, especially of a crime UK, 1970
    Conventionally a frame fits the picture; figuratively applied.
    • Scotland Yard works on informers, and if you go in the frame for something, you get picked up and fitted up[.] — The Listener, 8 March 1979
    • Vince wanted to be top do now that Gavin was out of the frame. — Danny King, The Bank Robber Diaries, p. 63, 2002
  2. the body US, 1052
    • Some poontang to cradle my lonesome frame. — George Mandel, Flee the Angry Strangers, p. 59, 1952
    • I left the tavern, returned to the dormitory, and put my miserable frame into the sack. — Max Shulman, Guided Tour of Campus Humor, p. 60, 1955
in the frame
under suspicion of involvement in a crime that is being investigated UK
  • — Angela Devlin, Prison Patter, p. 65, 1996




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