

词组 duster
释义 duster
  1. a metal device worn above the knuckles so that, when punching, it both protects the fist and lends brutal force to the blow UK
    An abbreviation of “knuckleduster”; from DUST
  2. Chelsea bastard caught me with a punch. Think he must have been wearing dusters. — Martin King & Martin Knight, The Naughty Nineties, p. 53, 1999
  3. I dipped into my pockets and got a duster on each hand and then smacked the cunt driving right in the head and knocked him out[.] — Dave Courtney, Raving Lunacy, p. 119, 2000
  4. an M-2 anti-aircraft tank armed with twin Bofars 40mm guns US, 1969
    The tank was designed for anti-aircraft combat, but the North Vietnamese did not operate in the air, so the M-2 was used on the ground, where it was quite good at DUSTING
  5. — Linda Reinberg, In the Field, p. 69, 1991
  6. a user of phencyclidine, the recreational drug known as PCP or angel dust US, 1967
    • The trucker was dusted out on PCP and it was only Jane’s choke hold that saved the life of a foot-beat cop who was nearly beaten to death with his own stick by the duster. — Joseph Wambaugh, The Delta Star, p. 10, 1983
  7. in oil drilling, a hole that produces no oil US, 1898
    It may produce salt water, but it is still dry.
    • — Jerry Robertson, Oil Slanguage, p. 50, 1954
  8. the inner door of a safe US
    • — Captain Vincent J. Monteleone, Criminal Slang, p. 77, 1949
  9. the buttocks US
    • Keep on wriggling your saucy duster and smelling sweet. — Mezz Mezzrow, Really the Blues, p. 199, 1946
  10. an escort helicopter US
    • I requested a “duster”–an escort helicopter that would fire around the perimeter of the LZ. — James Kirschke, Not Going Home Alone, p. 198, 2001




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