

词组 crutch
释义 crutch
  1. an improvised holder for the short butt of a marijuana cigarette US, 1938 The term of choice before ROACH CLIP
  2. She doubled the empty match cover over backward and put the butt of the cigarette up in the fold to make a crutch, and she brought the cardboard up to her lips and took three deep final drags off the short roach. — Thurston Scott, Cure it with Honey, p. 69, 1951
  3. in pool, a device used to support the cue stick for a hard-to-reach shot US
    As the terminology suggests, the device is scorned by skilled players.
    • — Steve Rushin, Pool Cool, p. 11, 1990
  4. in skating, an experienced skater supporting a novice UK, 1961




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