释义 |
Flynn ▶ in like Flynn- easily, quickly, without effort US, 1945
Originally a reference to the legendary sexual exploits of actor Errol Flynn. - Then I’m golden, man. I go ape. I’m in like Flynn. — Max Shulman, Guided Tour of Campus Humor, p. 106, 1955
- “Well, how’d you make out?” “In like Flynn, Louie.” — Piri Thomas, Down These Mean Streets, p. 102, 1967
- Mention my name to the bloke on the door and you’ll be in like the proverbial Flynn. — Alexander Buzo, Norm and Ahmed, 1969
- “Because most men do make passes, you find, he’s suddenly in like Flynn.” Rags grinned widely. “And I do mean Errol Flynn.” — Georgia Sothern, My Life in Burlesque, p. 259, 1972
- [S]pill a glass of vino on your fly. Look helpless and let her mop it up with her serviette. If she takes her time you could find a simple way of making her task harder and I’d reckon you’ll be in like Flynn within half an hour. — Barry Humphries, The Traveller’s Tool, p. 52, 1985
- So when Her Majesty’s favourite film-maker Dickie Attenborough is off making “Chaplin 2–The Holborn Empire Strikes Back” or some such, I shall be in like flynn[.] — Andrew Nickolds, Back to Basics, p. 17, 1994
- “If we win we’ll be in like Flynn,” he said. — Phillip Gwynne, Deadly Unna?, p. 59, 1998
- in poker, said of a player who bets before it is his turn US
- — American Speech, p. 99, May 1951