释义 |
flying telephone pole; telephone pole nickname a surface-to-air missile, especially an SA-2 US, 1977 Vietnam war usage.- He glanced down and saw two SAMS lifting, dust and dirt swirling behind the 35-foot “telephone poles.” — Robert Kowilcox, Scteam of Eagles, p. 221, 1990
- The strike force was speeding over green jungle, which was high enough to avoid small arms fire, but low enough to be safe from any surface-to-air missiles (SAMS), the deadly “flying telephone poles” that would later put so many American flyers in North V — Robert K. Wilcox, Scream of Eagles, p. 17, 1990
- No SAMS came at him. It seemed that absolutely everyone else had seen the front end of one of those deadly “telephone poles”. — Gerry Carroll, North S*A*R, p. 15, 1991