释义 |
meth noun- methamphetamine hydrochloride, a powerful central nervous system stimulant, brand name Methedrine US
- — J. L. Simmons and Barry Winograd, It’s Happening, p. 172, 1966: “glossary”
- Take your average Meth freak, once he’s started putting the needle in his arm, it’s not too hard to say, well, let’s shoot a little smack. — Joan Didion, Slouching Toward Bethlehem, p. 116, 1967
- Scrounge food, shoot meth, hustle college kids coming to gawk and get laid, just as their father went to Fillmore when nigger wasn’t spelled negro. — The San Francisco Oracle, 1967
- Give me Librium or give me Meth. — Mart Crowley, The Boys in the Band, p. 160, 1968
- — Donald Louria, The Drug Scene, p. 191, 1971
- “You two ‘ho’s still pushing your meth?”; she said conversationally. — Robert Deane Pharr, Giveadamn Brown, p. 48, 1978
- Half minute or so of bullshit and, “You looking to get high, my man?” Try and sell him some meth. This town was full of meth. — Elmore Leonard, Glitz, p. 96, 1985
- The pills are actually nothing but rounded bits of plastic with a yellow dust of pure meth. — Jim Carroll, Forced Entries, p. 29, 1987
- Comes out of jail that very fuckin day and to celebrate OD’s on meth. Carked it. The prick. — Niall Griffiths, Sheepshagger, p. 55, 2001
- methadone (a drug prescribed as a substitute for heroin) US, 1980
- “Nothing can be compared to meth. Not even penicillin. Why, in two hours’ time methadone could eradicate the entire heroin problem in New York City.” — Robert Deane Pharr, S.R.O., p. 42, 1971
- So they make you pee in a cup and fill out a form. They give you some meth. — John Allen, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, p. 176, 1977
- — Angela Devlin, Prison Patter, p. 76, 1996
- And some of that time I was using heroin on top of the meth, which was making it double hard. — Shaun Ryder, Shaun Ryder... in His Own Words, 1997
- Methadone that was, not diazepam. Bad fuckin stuff that methy. — Niall Griffiths, Sheepshagger, p. 108, 2001
- marijuana US
An abbreviation of METHOD - All right, y’all get ya White Owls, get ya meth, get ya skins (cigarette papers) — Method Man (Clifford Smith), Method Man, 1994