

词组 canteen cowboy
释义 canteen cowboy
  1. a ladies’ man, especially one who loiters in the NAAFI (the armed forces shop or canteen) for the purpose of meeting women UK, 1943
    Royal Air Force use, still current in the 1970s. Formed on US DRUGSTORE COWBOY
  2. a railway employee on an unexpected or extended tea break UK
    • Canteen cowboys were either maintenance men on shed duties, taking a rest between the shunting of locomotives and trains, or drivers and their mates who had signed on in a spare capacity and were there awaiting foreman’s orders. — Frank McKenna quoting Mr Bill Handy, A Glossary of Railwaymen’s Talk, 1970
  3. an orderly corporal on duty in a Royal Air Force Station Institute, NAAFI or Junior Ranks’ Club UK, 1961
    Roughly contemporary with the sense as “ladies’ man”; still current in the early 1970s.




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