释义 |
hangup; hang-up noun- an emotional problem, neurosis or inhibition US, 1952
- “And what about all these maniac hangups you’ve got–secretly, mind you, but got all the same–with Morality and Conduct, and like that?” “Hangups?” “This whole neurotic syndrome about love.” — Richard Farina, Been Down So Long, p. 109, 1966
- But seriously here are some of the real “hang-ups” of being a teen-age girl that must be quite frustrating. — Murray Kaufman, Murray the K Tells It Like It Is, Baby, p. 33, 1966
- Max is telling me how he lives free of all the old middle-class Freudian hang-ups. — Joan Didion, Slouching Toward Bethlehem, p. 97, 1967
- Cassady brought in a Scandanavian-style blonde who was always talking about hangups. Everybody had hangups. — Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, p. 118, 1968
- I was always treated in terms of goals I was achieving. I’d retained that. Which is a hangup. — Leonard Wolfe (Editor), Voices from the Love Generation, p. 63, 1968
- You will still have most of your sexual and emotional hang-ups and maybe a few new ones. The hang-ups of the people you will meet may be worse. — Richard Neville, Play Power, p. 84, 1970
- And she had a tremendous hang-up of going out and turning a date with another man, because she felt that her body belonged to me. — Christina and Richard Milner, Black Players, p. 93, 1972
- They didn’t have any hang-ups about jealousy either[.] — Dave Courtney, Raving Lunacy, p. 111, 2000
- in foot-propelled scootering, a seizing-up of a wheel during the performance of a trick UK
- — Ben Sharpe, Scooter Crazy, p. 40, 2000