

词组 prang
释义 prang
  1. in aviation, to crash-land an aircraft UK, 1941
    • — Woodford Agee Heflin, United States Air Force Dictionary, p. 398, 1956
    • Current Slang, p. 17, Summer 1970
    • I was pranging the Huey again. So was Len. “Pranging” was an unofficial term we learned in flight school. It was descriptive of both the sound of the deflection of a helicopter’s skids during a very hard landing. — Robert Mason, Chickenhawk, p. 182, 1983
  2. to crash a car UK, 1952
    • The half million bucks’ worth of Uncle Sam’s aerial hardware was rolling down the Da Nang runway instead of pranging into the South China Sea. — Elaine Shepard, The Doom Pussy, p. 181, 1967
  3. to make a short call to a mobile telephone with the sole purpose of registering yourself on the receiving phone’s “caller ID” (thus delivering a private signal but avoiding the cost of a connection) UK, 2003




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