

词组 milk
释义 milk
  1. to exploit, to cheat UK, 1536
    • The boss catered mostly to Indians who struck oil on the reservation, beefy cattlemen who were sure to be milked, sugar-daddies with their sable-sporting chicken dinners, and butter-and-egg men with plenty of bacon. — Mezz Mezzrow, Really the Blues, p. 84, 1946
    • Too many people wanna milk it for what it’s worth. — The Bad Lieutenant, 1992
    • I could have milked the situation, but the landlord trusted me[.] — John King, Human Punk, p. 193, 2000
  2. to masturbate UK, 1616
    • — Helen Dahlskog (Editor), A Dictionary of Contemporary and Colloquial Usage, p. 40, 1972
  3. in card games, to draw the top and bottom cards (off a new pack) before the first shuffle US, 1845
    • — Albert H. Morehead, The Complete Guide to Winning Poker, p. 268, 1967
get off and milk it!
used for heckling a bicyclist UK, 1975
Mainly used by schoolchildren. In 1982, Beale complained of 12-year-olds taunting him so.▶ milk a rush
while injecting a drug, to draw blood into the syringe and slowly release the drug into the vein, controlling the immediate effect of the drug US
  • — Richard A. Spears, The Slang and Jargon of Drugs and Drink, p. 340, 1986
milk it
to squeeze the shaft of the penis towards the head of the penis US, 1978
  • Rubber-gloved doctors pass down the rows of naked men. “Milk it down. Turn your head. Cough. Again.” — Donald Duncan, The New Legions, p. 6, 1967
  • — Anon., King Smut’s Wet Dreams Interpreted, 1978
milk the anaconda
(of a male) to masturbate US
  • A signal meant they’d caught some guy milking the anaconda. — Joseph Wambaugh, The Secrets of Harry Bright, pp. 60–61, 1985
milk the bushes
to move a boat by pulling on shore bushes CANADA, 1940
milk the lizard
(of a male) to masturbate; to cause sexual ejaculation UK
  • [L]ooks at the pictures and milks his lizard. — Tami Hoag, The Thin Line, 1997
milk the one-eyed aphid
of a male, to masturbate UK
  • — Richard Herring, Talking Cock, p. 113, 2003




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