释义 |
CPT; CP time noun a notional system of time in which punctuality is not important US, 1925 An abbreviation of COLORED PEOPLE’S TIME.- And come on time, not C.P.T. — Letter from Langston Hughes to Carl Van Vechten, 23 September 1949
- Their lives run by a clock that keeps C.P.T., Colored People’s Time, which assumes that appointments won’t be kept, work promised won’t be delivered, jobs found won’t be gone to, since those are all part of the outside world. — Paul Jacobs, Prelude to a Riot, p. 12, 1967
- CPT–Colored People’s time (i.e., on time when they WANT to be, otherwise NOT). — San Francisco Examiner, p. 33, 9 May 1967
- — Malachi Andrews and Paul T. Owens, Black Language, p. 91, 1973
- In recognition of the fact that a stereotype has developed regarding C.P. Time, the first 15 minutes of any meeting shall henceforth be known as J.T. (Jive Time). — Carolyn Greene, 70 Soul Secrets of Sapphire, 1973
- — Connie Eble (Editor), UNC-CH Campus Slang, Spring 1980
- Although there are cultural jokes about “CP time” (being chronically or consistently late), I was once told by a brother from Kenya that “things begin when the people gather.” — Teresa L. Fry Brown, God Don’t Live Ugly, 2000
- “We couldn’t possibly expect this thing to start on time,” he says, pointing to a truth that, between Harvard and CP time–“colored People’s time”–should be more obvious to this crowd. — FM, 4 May 2000