

词组 cove
释义 cove
a fellow, bloke UK, 1567
From Romany kova (a thing, a person).
  • We’re looking for a cove that leases a lot of timber country. — Kylie Tennant, The Honey Flow, p. 62, 1956
  • — Arthur Upfield, Bony and the Mouse, p. 51, 1959
  • — John Wynnum, Jiggin’ in the Riggin’, p. 27, 1965
  • I’m Captain Fossliner, I’ve been waiting for you coves all afternoon. — Ray Slattery, Mobbs’ Mob, p. 58, 1966
  • Didn’t you ever meet the cove? — Jean Brooks, The Opal Witch, p. 122, 1967
  • — Patsy Adam-Smith, Folklore of the Australian Railwaymen, p. 187, 1969
  • Strike me! This cove’s stashin’ it away in bundles. — Gerald Sweeney, The Plunge, p. 192, 1981
  • [A] cove whose boat [face] lacked only a pencil moustache for him to have the word “Spiv” stamped in his passport[.] — Andrew Nickolds, Back to Basics, p. 90, 1994
  • He was just such a queer cove to find in here. — John Milne, Alive and Kicking, p. 128, 1998




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