释义 |
double sawbuck; double saw noun a twenty-dollar note US, 1931- — Lou Shelly, Hepcats Jive Talk Dictionary, p. 24, 1945
- I had a check for a double sawbuck coming from a booking office in Chi[.] — Mezz Mezzrow, Really the Blues, p. 131, 1946
- I got five double sawbucks out of my wallet and dropped them in front of him. — Raymond Chandler, The Long Goodbye, p. 11, 1953
- Money loves me and can’t stay away from me. You see that fine “silk” broad, I got a “double saw” to lay her. — Iceberg Slim (Robert Beck), Pimp, p. 36, 1969
- On the other hand, for a double-saw, I’ll tell you where you get your job done if that’s your bag. — Screw, p. 7, 7 March 1969
- A double-sawbuck is a night out for my wife and me, or new shoes for the kids, or a hundred other things we need that twenty dollars can buy. — Dennis Smith, Report from Engine Company 82, p. 224, 1972
- Pimples had a meet with a fag who–so he said–was good for a double sawbuck[.] — Herbert Huncke, The Evening Sun Turned Crimson, pp. 50–51, 1980
- Touched the barman for a double saw. — James Ellroy, Hollywood Nocturnes, p. 151, 1994