

词组 barn door
释义 barn door
  1. the fly on a pair of trousers US, 1950
    Used in the euphemistic warning: “Your barn door is open”.
    • — Don R. McCreary (Editor), Dawg Speak, 2001
    • “Your barn door is open,” I said, remembering Uncle Peter’s sense of humor. — V.C. Andrews, Falling Stars, p. 145, 2001
  2. any target that is too large to miss UK, 1679
    • [S]everal thousand Japanese peasants who couldn’t hit a barn door at three paces. — The Times, 8 January 2004
  3. an extremely large halibut CANADA
    Alaskan and Canadian usage.
    • The name came from the East Coast term for the huge barndoor skate, raja laevis. — Tom Parkin, WetCoast Words, p. 13, 1989
    • — Jim Crotty, How to Talk American, p. 5, 1997
  4. in stage lighting, and the television and film industries, blinders used to focus a studio lamp US
    Conventionally known as a “variable mask”.
    • — Oswald Skilbeck, ABC of Film and TV Working Terms, p. 16, 1960
  5. a type of fuel injection system US
    • — John Lawlor, How to Talk Car, p. 17, 1965




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