

词组 bunny
释义 bunny
  1. a Playboy Club hostess; a nightclub hostess dressed in a costume that is representative of a rabbit US, 1960
    A shortening of the official job-description: Bunny Girl.
  2. a woman blessed with few if any sexual inhibitions US
    • — Eugene Landy, The Underground Dictionary, p. 42, 1971
  3. a female surfer or a male surfer’s girlfriend US, 1936
    • — Rob Burt, Surf City, Drag City, 1986
  4. a homosexual male prostitute US
    • — Dale Gordon, The Dominion Sex Dictionary, p. 35, 1967
  5. the rectum US
    • Maledicta, p. 15, Summer 1977: “A word for it!”
  6. a conversation UK
    • One of the chaps came up to me on the exercise yard and we began to have a bunny. — Frank Norman, Bang To Rights, p. 57, 1958
  7. a person who talks too much, especially stupidly UK, 1954
    • News Chronicle, 23 May 1958
  8. a fool, a dupe AUSTRALIA, 1943
    • I’m an awful bunny, aren’t I? — John Wynnum, Jiggin’ in the Riggin, p. 31, 1965
    • I discovered what bloody bunnies we buyers of Scratchit tickets really are. — Frank Hardy, Hardy’s People, p. 124, 1986
  9. a pilotman UK
    • — Harvey Sheppard, Dictionary of Railway Slang, 1970
  10. in shuffleboard, the disc on a number representing the winning score US
    • — Omero C. Catan, Secrets of Shuffleboard Strategy, p. 64, 1967
  11. in the sport of field archery, a 15 cm target face UK
    Derives from the small face of a “bunny” (rabbit) which, along with faces of other small creatures, is used as a target.
    • — John Kember-Smith, Archery Today, 1988
  12. the vulva and vagina US
    • Especially when I reached around and started playing with her big, beautiful tits and fingering her slick-furry bunny. — Joey V., Portrait of Joey, p. 92, 1969




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