

词组 cook
释义 cook
  1. to melt a powdered narcotic, especially heroin, in water, prior to injecting or inhaling US
    The drug is “cooked up” and “cooked down.”
    • Angel watched him begin preparations again and didn’t move until all six caps were in the spoon, ready to be cooked. — Hal Ellson, The Golden Spike, p. 7, 1952
    • Cook up a fix, Busser. Cook it up, boy. — George Mandel, Flee the Angry Strangers, p. 281, 1952
    • You cook and I’ll fix the hypo[.] — John D. McDonald, The Neon Jungle, p. 76, 1953
    • “Yes, yes, we gonna cook.” Red stood over the double gas plate and fined the flame down low. — Ross Russell, The Sound, p. 244, 1961
    • I finally got enough to get me a ten-dollar bag. I came home and cooked my stuff. — Claude Brown, Manchild in the Promised Land, p. 259, 1965
    • Cono, man, cook this shit up. — Piri Thomas, Down These Mean Streets, p. 5, 1967
    • With slightly trembling hands he cooked it, and shot half the bag. — Nathan Heard, Howard Street, p. 96, 1968
    • So cook me up when you’re good and ready / And you won’t remember if you’re Johnnie or Eddie. — Dennis Wepman et al., The Life, p. 171, 1976
    • Hey, man, gimme something cooked! — The Bad Lieutenant, 1992
  2. to boil dynamite to extract nitroglycerine US
    • — Jay Robert Nash, Dictionary of Crime, p. 79, 1992
  3. to prepare crack cocaine, heating a mixture of cocaine, lidocaine, baking soda and other chemicals to remove the hydrochloride US
    • — Terry Williams, Crackhouse, p. 147, 1992
  4. to excel, to excite people US, 1942
    • You’re cooking when you can play everything that jumps into your mind. — Nat Hentoff, Jazz Country, p. 25, 1965
    • I got there at 1 P.M. and he took me down in the basement and staked me in the game. Between shows all that day, I really “cooked.” — Babs Gonzales, I Paid My Dues, p. 28, 1967
    • The boys proved once again this week that they can cook in the South and especially North Carolina. (From “Summer Tour News,” 7/14/91). — Scott Meyer, Deadhead Forever, 2001
  5. to falsify accounting figures; to manipulate them UK, 1636
    • So when Harald found out that these Communists in the management were cooking the books, he organized the actors and threw a picket line around the theatre. — Mary McCarthy, The Group, p. 213, 1963
    • I think he’s got the real books at home, and he’s got this set here that’s been cooked he shows to artists, the ones that think he’s holding out on ‘em and they want to see the books. — Elmore Leonard, Be Cool, p. 193, 1999
  6. to make something radioactive; to become radioactive US, 1950
  7. (used of a car radiator in hot rodding) to boil over US
    • — Fremont Drag Strip, Guide to Drag Racing, 1960
  8. to execute someone by electrocution US, 1932
    • [H]e was still going to cook in the hot squat up the river. — Mickey Spillane, Kiss Me Deadly, p. 139, 1952
    • I think most of the guys my age looked upon them as heroes when they were getting cooked at Sing Sing. — Claude Brown, Manchild in the Promised Land, p. 220, 1965
cook on all four
to be very busily employed CANADA, 1984
cook on the front burner
to excel; to go fast US
  • American Speech, p. 227, October 1956: “More United States Air Force slang”
cook with gas
to perform successfully, especially after a period of trying and failing; to do very well US, 1941
  • — Lou Shelly, Hepcals Jive Talk Dictionary, 1945
  • He goes to the jukery to watch and wait and cut a rug with a solid gate he snatches a quail with hep and class and they go to town cooking with gas! — Haenigsen Jive’s Like That, 1947
  • We are well down the road. Robbie [Coltrane] is on board, Mervyn Gill-Dougherty is now producing, we’re cooking with gas and I have arranged to shadow a Scottish QC for a couple of weeks. — Sunday Herald [Scotland], 30 March 2003
cook your goose
  1. to ruin someone; to kill someone UK, 1851
    • In trying to get Martin Scorsese a golden egg, has Miramax cooked his goose instead? — New York Daily News, 17 March 2003
  2. to drink to the point of being drunk US
    • — R. Frederick West, God’s Gambler, p. 223, 1964




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