

词组 I should cocoa!; I should coco!
释义 I should cocoa!; I should coco!

I should say so UK, 1936
Rhyming slang, “coffee and cocoa”, unusually reduced to its second element. Derisive and sarcastic.
  • “That is a fine philosophical point -” “I should cocoa!” said Arthur indignantly. — Anthony Masters, Minder, p. 175, 1984
  • Do you think he’d be selling the car that cheap if there wasn’t something wrong with it? I should cocoa. — Ray Puxley, Cockney Rabbit, 1992
  • [H]e asked if there was any chance of me making it four. I should coco. — Ken Lukowiak, Marijuana Time, p. 171, 2000




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