释义 |
doofus; dufus noun- a dolt, a fool US, 1955
- [S]miling a greatbig [sic] stupid doofus grin comparable to the crease in her crackers. — Clarence Cooper Jr., The Farm, p. 26, 1967
- — Current Slang, p. 3, Spring 1967
- — Current Slang, p. 4, Winter 1971
- Whatcha do’en dufus. — Paul Glover, Words from the House of the Dead, 1974
- Despite howls of laughter, [David] Bowie made the yet more dismal Tin Machine II. Doofus. — FHM, p. 223, June 2003
- in caving and pot-holing, an inept caver US
A specialist variation. - — David Morrison of Wessex Cave Club, 29 February 2004