

词组 bug-out
释义 bug-out
  1. any hasty retreat; a dramatic evasive manoeuvre used by fighter pilots US
    • If the feces really hits the fan, there are three points through which a man can run for the hills–rear exits in the trench called “bug-outs.” — Martin Russ, The Last Parallel, p. 116, 1957
    • In these “bug-outs” the men sometimes threw away their weapons without firing a shot. It was this “bug-out” atmosphere that caused General Walker to make his “stand-or-die” order. — Don Lawson, The United States in the Korean War, p. 33, 1964
    • For those situations in which barrel rolling didn’t work, McKeown devised a maneuver called the “bug out.” — Robert K. Wilcox, Scream of Eagles, p. 140, 1990
  2. a lively, wild time US
    • His parents are away. It’s gonna be a bug-out. — Kids, 1995




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