释义 |
●ˈland sb/yourself with sb/sth●ˈland sb/yourself with doing sth (informal, especially BrE) to give sb/yourself an unpleasant or difficult task to deal with 把(苦差或重担)留给◆We’ve landed ourselves with the most boring job of the lot. 我们承担了其中最枯燥乏味的工作。◆I got landed with clearing up the mess. 收拾乱摊子的活儿落到了我的肩上。◆They landed the organization with a huge bill. 他们给这个机构留下了巨额账单。SYN saddle sb/yourself with sb/sth, etc. NOTE Often used in the passive, usually with get 常用于被动语态,通常与 get 连用◆Guess who got landed with washing the dishes? 猜猜洗碗的活儿落到谁头上了?[v + n/pron + prep] |