

词组 go
释义 go /BrE gəʊ; NAmE goʊ/
(goes /BrE gəʊz; NAmE goʊz/ , went /went/ , gone /BrE gɒn; NAmE gɔːn, gɑːn/ )
NOTE Been is used as the past participle of go when sb has gone somewhere and come back. 当表示去某处后已返回时,go 的过去分词用 been。
SEE ALLˌgo aˈbout, etc. (BrE) go around, etc. ˈgo about sthto continue to do sth in your usual way, especially after sth unusual has happened; to keep busy with sth (尤指不同寻常的事情发生后)继续做某事,继续忙于某事Everybody was going about their business as usual.
OBJ your business, the business of…, work, task[v + prep]
ˌgo aˈbout sthˌgo aˈbout doing sthto start to work at sth; to approach or deal with sth 开始做;着手处理I want to help, but I don’t know how to go about it.
How should I go about finding a job?
You’re not going about it the right way.
It seems a strange way of going about things.
OBJ things
SYN set about sth
, set about doing sth, tackle sth
[v + prep]
ˌgo aˈcrossˌgo aˈcross sthto cross a room, a road, a river, etc. in order to get to the other side 通过,穿过(房间、道路、河流等)We borrowed a boat and went across to the island.
Can you go across the road to the store for me?
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌgo ˈafter sb/sth1. to chase or follow a person or an animal to try to catch them 追赶;跟在…后面He went after the burglars.
Aren’t you going to go after her to see if she’s all right?
2. to try to get or obtain sb/sth 追求;谋求We’re both going after the same job.
[v + prep]
ˌgo aˈgainst sbif a result, a judgement, etc. goes against sb, it is not in their favour or to their advantage (结果、判决等)对(某人)不利The jury’s verdict went against him.
The war is going against us.
[v + prep]
ˌgo aˈgainst sb/sthto resist or oppose sb/sth; to act in a different way from what sb tells you or advises you to do 反抗;反对;与…相背离Anyone who goes against me will be punished.
He was going against his doctor’s advice by continuing to work.
Don’t go against your parents’ wishes.
  note at stand up to sb/sth [v + prep]
ˌgo aˈgainst sthto be opposed to sth; to not fit or agree with sth 违反;与…不符(或相悖)This goes against everything I believe in.
Paying for my children’s education goes against my principles.
OBJ principles, beliefs[v + prep]
go against the ˈgrainto be sth different from what is normal or natural for you and so sth you do not like doing 背离本性(或意愿)It went against the grain to have to agree with my brother.
ˌgo aˈhead 🔑1. ( ˌgo aˈhead of sb) to go in front of other people who are going in the same direction as you and arrive before them 走在(某人)前面;先走She went ahead of him into the house.
You go ahead and we’ll follow when we’re ready.
2. (of a plan, a project, a deal, etc. 计划、项目、交易等) to be carried out or happen 实施;进行The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.
Filming went ahead in spite of the bad weather.
SYN proceed (formal)
3. (with sth) if sb goes ahead with sth, they do it, although there may be a problem, or sb may have objected or expressed doubts (遇到困难、反对或障碍时仍然)进行In spite of her illness, Anna decided to go ahead with the wedding.
‘May I start now? ’ ‘Yes, go ahead (= I give you permission).’
SYN proceed (with sth)
[v + adv]1 also [v + adv + prep] the ˈgo-ahead


permission or approval for sth to start 准许;许可Has the boss given you the go-ahead for the project?


[usually before noun] (BrE)
trying hard to be successful, often by using new methods and ideas 雄心勃勃的;锐意进取的;有开拓精神的a go-ahead company
ˌgo aˈlong1. to progress; to develop or improve 进展;发展;改进Things are going along nicely.
2. (to sth) (with sb) to go somewhere or to an event with sb (陪某人)去(某处),去参加(某活动)I went along to the club a couple of times.
Sam said he’d go along to the party with us.
3. (especially NAmE) to do what sb else suggests or does 听从建议;效仿某人Whatever Ed said, Max went right along.
[v + adv]
as you go aˈlongwhile you are doing sth 在做某事的同时He made the story up as he went along.
I was never taught how to use a computer. I just picked it up as I went along.
ˌgo aˈlongˌgo aˈlong sthto move forward or from one end of sth towards the other 向前走;沿着…移动The bus rattled as it went along.
I went along a dark narrow passage, past several doors.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌgo aˈlong with sb/sth1. (especially BrE) to agree with sb/sth 同意;赞同I can’t go along with you on that point.
2. to accept sth or do sth, especially when you do not really want to (不情愿地)接受,做(某事)They didn’t like the idea, but they went along with it.
I didn’t want to make him angry, so I just went along with him (= I didn’t argue with him).
SYN fall in with sth (BrE)   note at agree to sth
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo aˈround (NAmE) go round ˌgo aˈround 🔑ˌgo aˈround sth 🔑 (BrE also ˌgo ˈround, ˌgo ˈround sth) 1. to visit a group of people or places, one by one 逐一见某人(或到某处);走遍I’ll go around and check all the doors are locked.
We spent all afternoon going round the shops.
She went round the table and said goodbye to everyone.
2. (of a note, etc. 字条等) to be sent round a group of people so that everyone can read it 被传阅A card’s going around for people to sign.
A memo went around the department.
3. (BrE also ˌgo aˈbout, ˌgo aˈbout sth) if a piece of news, an illness, etc. goes around, it spreads from one person to another (在…)流传,传播There’s a rumour going around that Sam and Kate are having an affair.
There’s a nasty virus going round the school.
SYN float around, float around sth
4. to move or be placed in a circle 旋转;转动The cyclist was going round the roundabout the wrong way.
The earth goes round the sun.
(figurative) We’re going round in circles in this argument.
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析go around
circle (sth) ◇ go round/around (sth) ◇ revolve (round/around sth) ◇ rotate ◇ spin (round/around sth) ◇ turn
These verbs all mean to move around a central point. 这些动词都表示旋转、转动、绕转。
circle (sth)
to move in a circle, especially in the air (尤指在空中)旋转,盘旋,环绕Birds were circling overhead. 鸟儿在头顶上盘桓。The plane had to circle the airport for another 30 minutes before landing. 着陆前,飞机不得不在机场上空又盘旋了 30 分钟。

go round / around (sth)
to spin or move around in a circle (绕…)旋转,转动The wheel was going round and round. 轮子在转个不停。The earth goes around the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。

revolve (round / around sth)
to move in a circle around a central point 旋转;转动;绕转People used to think that the sun revolved around the earth. 过去人们认为太阳绕着地球转。The ceiling fan revolved slowly overhead. 吊扇在头顶上慢慢转动。

to move in a circle around a fixed central point 旋转;转动;绕转Make sure that the propeller can rotate freely. 要确保螺旋桨能不受阻碍地旋转。

spin (round / around sth)
to turn round and round quickly (绕…)快速旋转The dancers spun round and round. 跳舞的人不停地旋转。The Earth spins around a central axis. 地球绕中心轴旋转。

to move around a central point 旋转;转动The wheels of the car began to turn. 车轮开始转起来。

When sth rotates or spins, it usually moves around its own centre; when sth revolves, it usually moves around a point outside itself. Rotate, spin and turn can be used with a direct object with the meaning of ‘make sth go round’ * rotate 或 spin 通常指围绕自身的中心转动; revolve 通常指围绕自身以外的中心点转动。rotate、spin 和 turn 可与直接宾语连用,表示“使转动”Rotate the wheel through 180 degrees. 将轮子旋转 180 度。Spin the coin. 转动硬币。Turn the wheel slowly. 慢慢转动轮子。
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSto spin / circle / rotate / revolve about sthto spin / turn / rotate faster (and faster) / rapidly / quickly to spin / turn / circle / rotate / revolve slowly
5. to be enough for everyone to have a share 足够分给每个人;足够每人一份There aren’t enough chairs to go round.
Is there enough food to go around all the guests?
6. to move around the outside of sth in order to get past sth or get to the other side 绕道;绕过We didn’t go into the city. We went around it.
Because of the flood, we had to go round by the minor roads to get to school.
7. to travel in a country or place and visit lots of different things 周游;遍览We travel around by bus.
They’re saving up to go around the world.
We’re planning to go round visiting all the temples.
8. to visit every part of a room or building (在房间或建筑物内)到处走动,看遍各处How long does it take to go around the museum?
A guide will go round with you.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
what ˌgoes around ˈcomes aroundwhatever happens now will have an effect in the future 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;善有善报,恶有恶报
ˌgo aˈroundˌgo aˈround sthˌgo aˈround doing sth (BrE also ˌgo ˈround/about, ˌgo ˈround/about sth, ˌgo ˈround/aˈbout doing sth) to dress or behave in a particular way; to do sth regularly 以某种方式穿着(或行动);经常做(某事)She goes around barefoot most of the time.
It’s not safe to go about the streets alone.
You can’t go round spreading rumours like that.
The kids went around in gangs, dressed completely in black.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌgo aˈround sb/sth (BrE also ˌgo ˈround sb/sth) to surround or go in a circle around sb/sth 包围;环绕I felt his arm going around my shoulder.
The belt won’t go round my waist!
[v + prep]
ˌgo aˈround sth (BrE also ˌgo ˈround sth) to move or travel around a corner 绕过(拐角)The car’s tyres screeched as it went round the bend.
Maggie watched until Jess had gone around the corner and was out of sight.
OBJ only corner, bend[v + prep]
go round the ˈbend/ˈtwist (informal, especially BrE) to go crazy 发疯;疯狂If I have to stay in this place another day, I’ll go round the bend!
ˌgo aˈround with sbˌgo aˈround together (BrE also ˌgo aˈbout/ˈround with sb, ˌgo aˈbout/ˈround together) (becoming old-fashioned) to spend a lot of time with sb or with a group of people 和(某人或一伙人)泡在一块儿Ann goes around with Sue.
Ann and Sue go around together.
These are the people I used to go around with.
SYN hang around with sb, etc.[v + adv + prep] [v + adv + adv]
ˈgo at sbto attack sb 进攻,攻击(某人)He went at me like a wild animal.
[v + prep]
ˈgo at sthto make great efforts to do sth; to work hard and with enthusiasm at sth 拼命干;卖力干They went at the job as if their lives depended on it.
He was going at the food as though he hadn’t eaten for days.
[v + prep]
go at it ˌhammer and ˈtongsif two people go at it hammer and tongs, they argue or fight with a lot of energy and noise (两人)激烈争吵(或厮打)
ˌgo aˈway 🔑1. to leave a place or a person 离开;走开Go away! You’re annoying me!
Go away and think about it a bit.
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析go away
clear off ◇ clear out ◇ depart ◇ get away ◇ go away ◇ leave (sth)
These verbs all mean to go away from a person or place. 这些动词都表示离开、离去、走开。
clear off (informal)
to leave a place quickly because you do not want to be found there or sb does not want you there 迅速离开;溜走;逃走They cleared off as soon as the police arrived. 警察一到他们便溜了。Clear off! 快走开!

clear out (informal)
to leave a place quickly, especially taking all your things with you (尤指携带所有个人物品)迅速离开He cleared out with the money and left her with the kids. 他带着钱跑了,把孩子留给了她。

to leave a place, especially to start a trip 离开;(尤指)起程,动身She waited until the last of the guests had departed. 她一直等到最后一位客人离去。

get away
to succeed in leaving a place 得以离开;脱身I won't be able to get away from the office before seven. 我七点钟前无法离开办公室。

go away
(used especially in orders) to leave a person or place (尤用于命令)离开,走开Just go away and leave me alone! 走开,别烦我!It's been over seven years since he went away. 自他走后,已经七年多了。
NOTE Go can be used on its own * go 可单独使用I must be going now. 我现在得走了。

leave (sth)
to go away from a place 离开If we leave now, we should make it in time. 现在动身的话,我们应该能赶得及。Are you ready to leave yet? 准备好走了吗?John says he left the restaurant at around midnight. 约翰说他午夜时分离开了饭馆。

In ordinary speech, depart is formal, but it is the usual official word used about planes, trains, etc. that are leaving 在日常口语中,depart 属正式用语,但它通常用于表示飞机起飞、火车开动等This train will depart in three minutes. 本次列车将在三分钟后发车。
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSto leave / depart for… to plan to / be about to / be going to leave / go / depart / go awayto decide to / intend to / refuse to leave / go / go awayto be ready to / be forced to leave / go / departto tell sb to leave / go / go away / clear offto leave / go / depart / go away at once / in a hurry / now / soon
2. to leave home for a period of time, especially for a holiday/vacation 离家外出(尤指度假)They went away for the weekend.
Are you going away on holiday this year?
She goes away on business a lot.
3. to disappear gradually 逐渐消失The smell still hasn’t gone away.
Has your headache gone away?
The longing never went away.
OPP come back[v + adv]
ˌgo aˈway with sthto leave a place with a particular feeling or impression 带着(某种感觉或印象)离开I don’t want people to go away with the wrong idea.
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈback 🔑1. (to sth/…) to return to a place where you were before 回到,返回(原地)Can we go back inside?
I made a cup of tea and went back to bed.
When are you going back to Australia?
  note at come back
2. (to sth) to return to school or work after a break (休假后)返校,回去工作The children have to go back to school next week.
3. (to sb/sth) to be in a situation that you were in before 回到(某人处);恢复(从前的状态)We can never go back to how things were before (= in a relationship, for example).
Once you have taken this decision, there’s no going back.
I don’t think Emily will go back to her husband (= live with him again).
4. (to sth) to return to work after being on strike (罢工后)复工The strikers won’t go back (to work) until they get a pay rise.
5. (to sth) (informal) (of sth that you have bought or borrowed 买的或借的东西) to be returned to the place where you got it 被退回;被归还This toaster will have to go back to the shop—it doesn’t work properly.
When does this video have to go back?
6. (of clocks and watches 钟表) to be set to an earlier time when the time changes at the end of summer (夏令时结束之际)拨回原来的时间The clocks go back tonight. We get an extra hour in bed.
OPP go forward
[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈback…1. if two people go back a period of time, they have known each other and have been friends for that time 相识,已认识(一段时间)Adam and I go back a long way.
2. ( ˌgo ˈback to sth) to have existed since a particular time in the past 追溯到;回溯到Our friendship goes back fifteen years.
This tradition goes back to medieval times.
SYN date back…, date back to sth
3. ( ˌgo ˈback to sth) to consider sth that happened in the past 回忆起,回到(先前的事)To trace the origins of the problem, we have to go back to the 18th century.
要对这个问题追根溯源,我们必须回到 18 世纪。
I’m going back a few years now… (= I’m talking about sth that happened some years ago)
[v + adv]2, 3 also [v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈback on sthto fail to keep a promise; to change your mind about sth 违约;改变主意She never goes back on her word (= fails to do what she has said she will do).
He went back on his promise.
I don’t like to go back on what I said.
OBJ your promise, your word[v + adv + prep]
go ˈback over sthto think about sth again or often (再次或经常)忆起,回顾I went back over the day’s events in my mind.
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈback to sth1. to start talking about sth again 回到,重谈(原来的话题)To go back to what you were saying before…
SYN return to sth
2. go back… (2) 3. go back… (3) [v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈback to sthˌgo ˈback to doing sth1. to start doing sth again that you had stopped doing 重新开始;重操旧业Tom turned over and went back to sleep.
I wouldn’t go back to living in the city.
She’s decided to go back to teaching.
John’s going back to college to get some more qualifications.
2. (of a situation 状况) to return to what it was before sth else happened 复原;恢复Things haven’t gone back to normal yet.
SYN return to sth[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo beˈfore (literary) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to exist or happen in an earlier time 先前存在;以往发生The present crisis is worse than any that have gone before.
NOTE Go before is usually used in the past or perfect tenses. * go before 通常用于过去时或完成时。[v + adv]
ˈgo before sb/sth (of a legal case, a proposal or an issue 案件、提议或议题) to be presented to sb/sth so that they can discuss it or make a decision or a judgement about it 提交给…审议(或作出决定、裁决)When does his case go before the judge?
[v + prep]
ˌgo beˈyond sthto be greater, better, etc. than sth 超出;越出The price we got for the painting went beyond all our expectations.
The matter has gone beyond a joke (= has become very serious and is no longer amusing).
SYN exceed sth (formal) [v + prep]
ˌgo ˈby 🔑 (of time 时间) to pass 流逝;过去As time goes by, my memory seems to get worse.
The weeks went slowly by.
Hardly a day went by without Anthony’s name being mentioned.
[v + adv]
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析go by
elapse ◇ go by ◇ pass ◇ progress ◇ tick away ◇ wear on
These are all verbs that can be used to talk about time moving forward. 这些动词都表示时间流逝。
elapse (not usually used in the progressive tenses) (formal)
(of time) to pass (时间)流逝,消逝Many years elapsed before they met again. 过了很多年他们才重逢。

go by
(of time) to pass (时间)逝去,过去Things will get easier as time goes by. 随着时间的推移,事情会变得容易。The weeks went slowly by. 时间一周一周慢慢过去了。

if an hour, day, year, etc. passes, it moves forward in time (小时、日、年等)流逝,过去Six months passed and we still had no news of them. 六个月过去了,我们仍没有他们的音讯。

(of time, an event or an activity) to pass (时间)逝去;(事件或活动)进展,进行The weather became colder as the day progressed. 天气一天天冷起来。

tick away
(of time) to pass, especially when there is not much time to do sth (时间)流逝,过去(尤指时间紧迫时)I had to get to the airport by two, and the minutes were ticking away. 我必须两点钟赶到机场,时间在一分一秒地过去。

wear on
(of time) to pass, especially in a way that seems slow (时间尤其缓慢地)流逝,过去As the party wore on, she became more and more tired. 随着聚会的进行,她越来越累。

Wear on and progress are mainly used to say that a situation developed during a particular period of time * wear on 和 progress 主要用于表示在特定时期形成了某种局面The situation worsened as the year wore on. 一年中,随着时间的流逝,局势更趋恶化。The visiting team's confidence increased as the game progressed. 随着比赛的进行,客队场上信心越来越足。
You cannot usually use progress and wear on with hours, days, etc. as the subject. * progress 和 wear on 通常不可用 hour、day 等作主语。

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS a day / a night / a year / time goes by / passes / elapses / wears on / progresses / ticks away days / hours go by / pass / elapse / tick awaytime goes by / passes / wears on / ticks away slowly / uneventfully time goes by / passes quickly
ˈgo by 🔑ˈgo by sb/sth 🔑1. to pass sb/sth without stopping (从…旁边)路过,走过Did you see a boy go by on a bicycle?
We sat and watched the world go by (= watched people passing).
They waved to us as we went by the window.
SYN pass by, pass by sb/sth
2. (NAmE) to stop somewhere or visit sb for a short time, often on your way to somewhere else (顺路)在…暂留,短暂拜访(某人)I’ll go by and see him on my way home.
Would you go by the grocery store for me?
SYN drop by, stop by
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˈgo by sth1. to be guided or directed by sth; to form an opinion or a judgement from sth 遵循;依照;以…来判断That’s a good rule to go by.
If past experience is anything to go by, Tom will be late!
I shall go entirely by what my solicitor says.
2. to call yourself a particular name, which may not be your real name 自称为…(可能不是真名)For her crime novels, she goes by the name of Monica Simon.
OBJ only the name of…
[v + prep]
ˌgo ˈdown 🔑1. (to…/sth) (from…/sth) to travel from one place to another, especially from the north of a country to the south (从一处)到(另一处)(尤指南下)We’re going down to London next week.
OPP go up
2. to fall to the ground 倒下;落下;倒在地上She tripped and went down with a bump.
3. to become lower or smaller; to fall 减低;变小;下降The price of petrol is going down / Petrol is going down (in price).
The temperature went down by ten degrees overnight.
气温一夜间下降了 10 度。
Rental costs have gone down (£50) since last year.
去年以来,租金下降了(50 英镑)。
The floodwaters are going down.
Membership numbers have gone down recently.
The swelling has gone down a little.
SYN drop, fall
OPP go up
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析go down
decline ◇ decrease ◇ drop ◇ fall ◇ go down ◇ slump
These verbs are all used to talk about a reduction in amount, level or number. 这些动词都表示下降、下跌、下滑。
to become lower or less in level, number, size, strength or importance (水平、数字、大小、实力或重要性)下降,下滑,衰落The number of tourists visiting the resort declined by 10% last year. 去年该度假地的游客人数下降了 10%。

to fall in number or level (数字或水平)减少,下跌The number of students decreased from 210 to 160 this year. 今年学生从 210 人减少到 160 人。Donations have decreased significantly in recent years. 近年捐赠显著减少。

drop (not used in the progressive tenses)
to become lower or less in level, number, or strength (水平、数字或实力)下降,降低The temperature has dropped considerably. 气温已大幅下降。The team have dropped to fifth place. 该队排名下滑到第五位。The wind dropped. 风小了。

to become lower or less in level, number, or strength (水平、数字或实力)下降,降低Their profits have fallen by 30%. 他们的利润下滑了 30%。The temperature fell sharply in the night. 夜间气温骤降。Share prices fell 30p. 股票价格跌了 30 便士。

go down
to become less in level or value (水平或价值)下降,降低,下跌The temperature sometimes goes down to minus thirty. 气温有时会降到零下三十度。Coffee is going down in price. 咖啡价格正在下跌。
NOTE Come down is used when prices, etc. return to their previous level * come down 用于指价格等回落到先前的水平The price of gas is coming down again. 煤气价格又降了。

slump (not used in the progressive tenses)
(especially business 商业) to fall in price, value or number, suddenly and by a large amount (价格、价值或数字)突降,锐减,暴跌Profits slumped by over 50%. 利润暴跌了 50% 以上。

In many cases you can use any of these verbs 在多数情况下,这些动词可通用Sales have fallen / declined / dropped by 20%. 销售额下降了 20%。
They can all be used to talk about numbers, levels, rates, prices, profits and sales. To talk about a loss of economic strength, use decline 这些动词都可用于谈论数字、水平、比例、价格、利润和销售额。若谈及经济活力的丧失,用 declineThe market has declined. 市场陷入衰退。

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS numbers / levels / rates fall / decline / drop / decrease prices / profits / sales fall / decline / drop / slump / decrease figures / temperature fall / dropto fall / decline / drop / decrease sharply / significantly / considerably to fall / drop / decline / decrease slightly / slowly / gradually / steadily
4. (NAmE also ˌgo ˈover) [+ adv] if a remark, a performance, an action, etc. goes down well or badly, etc., it gets a good or bad reaction from people (话语、演出、行为等)反响好(或差),受(或不受)欢迎Did your performance go down all right?
The movie went down well in America.
Jokes don’t go down too well with my mother (= she does not like them).
The band went down a storm (= people liked them very much).
5. (of the sun and moon 日、月) to disappear below the point where the sky seems to meet the land or the sea (the horizon) 落到地平线下;落下We watched the sun go down.
SYN set
OPP come up
, rise
6. to get worse 变得更差;每况愈下The quality of the product has gone down since the company was sold.
He’s certainly gone down in my estimation (= I don’t have the good opinion of him that I used to).
The food’s gone down since the restaurant changed hands.
SYN deteriorate (more formal)
OPP go up
7. (computing 计算机) if a computer system goes down, it stops working temporarily 暂停作业;暂停运行I lost all my work when the computer went down.
  note at break down
8. (of food, a meal, etc. 食物、饭菜等) to be partly or completely dealt with by your body (全部或部分)消化Let your food go down before you go swimming.
9. [+ adv] if food or drink will/will not go down, it is easy/difficult to swallow, or you enjoy it/do not enjoy it 容易(或难)吃(或喝);喜欢(或不喜欢)吃(或喝)My drink went down the wrong way and I started coughing.
A cup of tea would go down nicely (= I would like one).
10. when the curtain in a theatre goes down, it is the end of the performance 落幕;演出结束The audience were cheering as the curtain went down.
(figurative) After 25 years, the curtain has finally gone down on his sparkling career.
25 年后,他终于告别了辉煌的职业生涯。
OPP go up
11. when lights go down in a theatre, the performance is about to start (剧院的灯光)熄灭;演出即将开始She quickly found a seat before the lights went down.
OPP go up
12. [+ adv/prep] to reach down to a particular point 垂到,垂及(某点)Pepita’s coat is so big it goes right down to her ankles.
13. (of a tyre 轮胎) to lose air 瘪下;泄气My tyre’s gone down again.
14. (BrE, informal) to be sent to prison 被关进监狱;坐牢He’s gone down for twenty years.
15. (of a carpet 地毯) to be put on the floor 铺开;展开It’ll feel a lot warmer when the carpet goes down.
16. (of a plane 飞机) to fall from the sky; to be brought to the ground 坠落;被迫降落‘The plane’s going down!’ he cried.
17. (of a ship 船只) to sink 下沉;倾覆Hundreds died when the ferry went down.
18. to fail; to behave badly and lose people’s respect 失败;丢脸If the business goes down, we go down with it.
19. (to sb) to be defeated by sb, especially in a sports game or competition (尤指体育比赛或竞赛中)败北,落败Liverpool went down 2-0 to Everton.
利物浦队以 0:2 输给了埃弗顿队。
20. (to sth) (especially BrE) to be made to move to a lower position, rank, class, status, etc. (职务、官衔、级别、地位等)降低We need to win the next two games to avoid going down.
OPP go up
21. (in sth) (as sth) to be written down; to be recorded or remembered in a particular way 写在,载入(…中);记录,记载(为…)Everything I said went down in his little book.
1998 will go down as the company’s best year.
1998 年将成为公司业绩最好的一年。
He will go down in history as a great statesman.
22. (slang, especially NAmE) to be happening 正在发生;正在进行She always knows what’s going down.
What’s going down?
23. (from…) (BrE, formal) to leave a university (especially Oxford or Cambridge) at the end of a term or after finishing your studies (大学学期结束或毕业后)离校(尤指牛津或剑桥)She went down (from Cambridge) in 2004.
她 2004 年(自剑桥)大学毕业。
OPP go up
[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈdown 🔑ˌgo ˈdown sth 🔑to move from a higher position to a lower one; to go along sth from one end towards the other (从高处)下去;(沿着…)过去One end of the see-saw goes up while the other end goes down.
The pain goes down my arm.
I’ve just got to go down to Jim’s office with these papers.
Will we go down any steep hills?
You’ll see the museum if you go down the road a bit.
It was hard enough to get up here (= a mountain, for example), and now we’ve got to go down!
Their company has decided to go down the same path (= do the same things) as ours.
went down on my hands and knees to look for the pen.
I’m not going to go down on my knees and beg him to forgive me.
OBJ road, stairs, hill
OPP go up
, go up sth
[v + adv] [v + prep]
go down the ˈdrain (BrE also go down the ˈplughole) to be wasted; to get much worse 付诸东流;白白浪费;每况愈下go down ˈthat roadto follow a particular course of action, especially a difficult or harmful one 踏上那条道;采取(尤指艰难或有害)的做法He said he’d never used drugs because he’d seen too many talented kids go down that road.
ˌgo ˈdown on sb (slang) to perform a sex act on sb with your mouth 为(某人)口交[v + adv + prep]ˌgo ˈdown to sthto go to a place near where you are, or a place you often go to 去,前往(附近或常去的地方)Shall we go down to the beach for a swim?
I’m going down to the corner shop for some milk.
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈdown with sth (especially BrE) to become ill/sick with sth 患,得(病)I think I’m going down with a cold.
SYN come down with sth, sicken for sth, catch sth, get sth[v + adv + prep]
ˈgo for sb/sth1. to attack sb/sth 攻击;袭击She went for him with a knife.
(figurative) The newspapers really went for him over his defence of terrorism.
2. to apply to sb/sth; to be true of sb/sth 适用于;(某种情况)也如此What I said about Tim helping goes for you too, Alex.
We may have high unemployment, but the same goes for many other countries.
Terry needs to relax more, and the same goes for you.
3. to go to get sb/sth 去带回(某人);去取回(某物)Shall I go for a doctor?
She’s gone for some milk.
4. to be attracted by sb/sth; to like or prefer sb/sth 为…所吸引;喜欢;偏爱He’s not the type I usually go for.
Children usually go for colourful packaging.
[v + prep]
(have) a lot, nothing, etc. ˈgoing for it/you(to have) many/not many advantages 有(或没有)诸多有利条件She has a good job, she’s attractive and intelligent—she has a lot going for her.
The town doesn’t really have much going for it.
ˈgo for sth1. to choose sth 选择I think I’ll go for the steak.
Which computer system are they going for?
2. to try to get or achieve sth 努力获取;努力实现Did you go for that job?
He’s going for the world record.
Go for it! You’ve got nothing to lose.
That’s a great idea! Go for it!
3. to be sold for the price mentioned (以所提价格)出售;索价These computers usually go for under £1 000.
这类计算机一般卖不到 1 000 英镑。
[v + prep]
ˌgo ˈforth (literary) to leave a place and go somewhere, especially in order to do sth good or brave (尤指为做有益的或需要勇气的事情)动身去,起程[v + adv]ˌgo ˈforward1. to make progress; to begin to happen or be successful 取得进展;开始发生;初见成效The project is going forward nicely.
Now that we have his agreement, the deal can go forward.
2. (of clocks and watches 钟表) to be set one hour ahead at the beginning of summer (夏令时开始之际)拨快一小时The clocks go forward tonight. We have an hour less in bed.
OPP go back
3. to be suggested as a candidate for a job or an elected position, etc. 获提名;列为候选人Her name has gone forward for the job.
4. (to sth) to win one stage of a competition, etc. and be able to take part in the next stage (比赛等)获胜进入下一阶段Which teams will go forward to the second round?
[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈin1. (of the sun or moon 日、月) to disappear behind a cloud 躲进云里;被云掩盖The sun went in and it grew colder.
OPP come out
2. (informal) (of facts, information, etc. 事实、信息等) to be absorbed, understood and remembered 被吸收;被理解;被记住I keep studying, but these dates just won’t go in.
SYN sink in
3. (of a piece of equipment, furniture, etc. 设备、家具等) to be built or fitted in a place 装入;嵌入The kitchen will be finished once the fridge has gone in.
[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈin 🔑ˌgo ˈin sth 🔑ˌgo ˈinto sth 🔑1. to enter a room, a house, etc. 进去;进入(室内、屋内等)It’s getting cold; let’s go in.
Let’s go in the kitchen—it’s warmer.
Why did you go into my office?
Are you going into town today?
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析go in
come in ◇ enter (sth) ◇ go in ◇ set foot in/on sth
All these words mean to come or go into sth. 这些动词都表示进来或进去。
come in
( come into sth) to enter a place, especially a building, room, etc. 进来;进入(楼内、室内等)It's getting cold. Why don't you come in now? 天冷了。为什么现在不进来呢?Come in! (= used to give sb permission to enter a room) 进来!

enter (sth) (formal)
to come or go into a place 进入;走进Please knock before you enter. 进来之前请敲门。Where did the bullet enter the body? 子弹打中身体什么部位了?

go in ( go into sth)
to enter a place, especially a building, room, etc. 进去;进入(楼内、室内等)It's getting cold. Let's go in. 天冷了。我们进去吧。They went into the dining room. 他们进了餐厅。

set foot in / on sth
to enter or visit a place 进入,踏上,访问,参观(某地)He was the first person to set foot on the moon. 他是第一个登上月球的人。I vowed never to set foot in the place again. 我发誓再也不去那个地方。It was the first time I'd set foot on African soil. 那是我首次踏上非洲的土地。

Come in implies movement in the direction of the speaker; go in implies movement in the opposite direction * come in 指朝说话者的方向移动; go in 指朝相反的方向移动Come in and help me tidy up. 进来帮我收拾一下。The door was open but we were too scared to go in. 门是敞开的,但我们吓得不敢进去。
Enter can imply movement in either direction. * enter 可指朝任一方向移动。

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSto enter / come into / go into / set foot in a room / building / country / town to enter / come in / go in by / through sthto allow sb / permit sb / give permission for sb to enter / come in / go in
2. to fit into a container, etc. 能放进(容器等)The suitcase is full already—those shoes definitely won’t go in.
I’m amazed that all the luggage went in the car.
All the photos will go into this box.
3. (informal) to join an organization, especially one of the armed forces or the police 加入,参加(某一组织,尤指军队或警察部门)He was 17 when he went in the army.
他 17 岁入伍。
Ed wants to go into the Marines.
4. (of the ball in sports played with a ball, etc. 运动所用的球等) to enter the goal, net, hole, etc. and score points 进(门、网、洞等);进球得分Did you see if the ball went in?
He kicked the ball hard enough to go into the back of the goal.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌgo ˈinˌgo ˈinto sth1. to go to an office or another place of work in order to work, do a particular task, have some work done for you, etc. 去办公室,去工作单位(上班、办事、找人服务等)I’ve got to work tomorrow, but I can always go in late.
The car needs to go in (= into the garage) for a service.
Are you going into work tomorrow?
2. to go to a hospital to receive treatment, tests, etc. 去医院(接受治疗、检测等)I’m going in on Friday for an X-ray.
我星期五要去医院做 X 光检查。
When is Cara going into hospital?
3. (of soldiers, an army, etc. 士兵、部队等) to go to a place where there is fighting or a war and become involved in it 上战场;参战Troops are going in tonight.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌgo ˈin for sth (especially BrE) 🔑1. to take part in a competition; to take an exam 参加(竞赛或考试)She goes in for all the competitions in the magazines and never wins anything.
Which events are you going in for at the school sports?
She’s going in for the Cambridge First Certificate.
2. go into sth (3) He decided to go in for politics.
SYN enter sth[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈin for sthˌgo ˈin for doing sth to like sth and regularly use it, do it, etc.; to have sth as an interest or a hobby 喜欢;有…兴趣;以…为业余爱好She goes in for very bright colours.
He doesn’t really go in for making long speeches.
We don’t go in for that sort of thing.
She never went in for dancing.
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈin with sb (on sth) to join sb in a particular project, activity, business, etc. 与(某人)联合(完成某个项目、参加某个活动、做生意等)Jack went in with some friends to start a car hire business.
I’ll go in with you on (= I’ll give you some money for) Mary’s present.
My brothers are opening a garage and they want me to go in with them.
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈinto sth 🔑1. (of a vehicle 交通工具) to hit sth violently; to crash into sth 猛地撞上The car skidded and went into a tree.
2. (of a vehicle or driver 交通工具或驾驶员) to start a particular movement 开始以某种方式移动;开始某种动作The truck went into a spin on a patch of ice.
The plane went into a nosedive.
3. ( ˌgo ˈin for sth) to decide to do a particular kind of work as your job or career 决定从事,投身(某种行业)When did you decide to go into politics?
She’s going into publishing.
Sanjay’s gone into business with his father.
OBJ politics
SYN take sth up
4. to begin to be in a particular state or situation 进入(某种状态或状况)She went into a coma after the accident.
The country is going into a decline.
The company has gone into liquidation.
The family has gone into hiding.
OBJ liquidation, production, decline, hiding, exile, a coma
5. to begin to act or behave in a particular way (以某种方式)开始行动,开始行事He went into a long explanation of the affair.
Divers were there, ready to go into action if the stunt went wrong.
6. to examine or discuss sth carefully 仔细考虑;深入探讨I won’t go into details now.
We need to go into the question of costs.
She’s not coming, for reasons which I won’t go into now.
7. ( ˌgo ˈinto doing sth) (of money, time, effort, etc. 金钱、时间、精力等) to be spent on sth; to be used to do sth 投入;用于More money needs to go into rebuilding the inner cities.
I can see that a lot of time and effort has gone into your project.
A huge amount of work went into making the occasion a success.
A lot of skill, love and work had gone into the garden.
8. to start taking part in an exam, a competition, an election, etc. 参加(考试、竞赛、竞选等)I can’t go into the exam unprepared.
9. if one number goes into a larger number, it is contained in that number the number of times mentioned (一数字)除尽,整除(另一较大数字)5 goes into 25 five times.
5 除 25 得 5。
Does 13 go into 39?
13 能整除 39 吗?
[v + prep]
ˌgo ˈoff 🔑1. (to sth) to leave a place, especially in order to do sth 离开,离去(尤指去做某事)You go off and have fun.
When are you going off on your trip?
Have the children gone off to school yet?
Everyone went off happy.
I can’t believe Ed went off without saying goodbye!
My parents have just gone off to bed.
2. (of a weapon, etc. 武器等) to be fired; to explode 开火;爆炸The gun went off by accident.
The bomb went off in a crowded street.
SUBJ gun, bomb
3. (of an alarm 警报器或闹钟) to make a sudden loud noise or flash 突然响起;突然闪烁She got up as soon as the alarm clock went off.
The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off.
SUBJ alarm, alarm clock, fire alarm
4. if a light, the electricity, etc. goes off, it stops working (电灯)熄灭;(供电等)中断;停止运行Suddenly all the lights went off.
The heating goes off at nine.
SUBJ lights
OPP come on
, go on
5. [+ adv] if a performance, etc. goes off well/badly, it is successful/not successful (演出等)成功/不成功The show went off very well.
How did the concert go off?
The performance went off without a hitch (= without any problems at all).
6. (BrE) if food or drink goes off, it becomes bad and not fit to eat or drink (食物或饮料)变质,变坏This milk has gone off.
SUBJ milk, meat
7. (especially BrE) to become worse in quality (质量)下降,滑坡Her books have gone off in recent years.
8. (informal, especially BrE) to fall asleep 入眠;入睡Hasn’t the baby gone off (to sleep) yet?
SYN drop off
[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈoffˌgo ˈoff sth1. to move away from sth large or important and go in a different direction 偏离(主干事物);岔开The road you want goes off on the right.
(figurative) She’s always going off the point (= not talking about the main topic).
2. to leave the stage, the sports field, etc. during a play or a game (演出或比赛中)下场,退场Hamlet goes off in the middle of the scene.
Johnson went off at half-time.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌgo ˈoff (on sb) to suddenly become angry with sb (对某人)突然发怒,大发脾气He just went off on her and started yelling.
(BrE) I spilt coffee on the sofa and my mum went off on one.
[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈoff sb/sth (informal, especially BrE) to lose interest in sb/sth; to stop liking sb/sth 失去对…的兴趣;不再喜欢I think she’s going off me.
He’s gone off his food.
I’ve gone off the idea of a holiday in Scotland.
[v + prep]
ˌgo ˈoff with sbto leave your husband, wife, etc. in order to have a relationship with sb else 与(新欢)私奔Eddie’s gone off with his wife’s best friend.
SYN run away/off with sb[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈoff with sthto leave a place with sth that does not belong to you 擅自拿走(他人之物)Who’s gone off with my new pen?
SYN make off (with sth) [v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈon 🔑1. (of a situation or a state of affairs 情况或事态) to continue to happen or exist without changing 继续下去;维持不变We can’t let this dispute go on.
Things can’t go on as they are.
In spite of everything, life must go on.
We can’t go on like this!
SYN carry on, continue
2. to last for a particular time 持续,延续(一段时间)The meeting went on for hours.
How much longer will this hot weather go on (for)?
SYN carry on, last
3. (with sth) to continue an activity, especially after a pause or a break (尤指停顿或中断后)继续做(某事)I’m sorry I interrupted. Go on with your story.
The children quietly went on with their work.
Let’s take a break. We’ll go on when you’re ready.
SYN carry on (with sth)
4. (with sth) ( ˌgo ˈon doing sth) to continue an activity without stopping (不停顿地)继续做(某事)When I came into the room, the boss just went on with what she was doing and didn’t look up.
I could have gone on listening to Ted’s stories all night.
I’d prefer to go on doing things my own way.
SYN carry on (with sth) , carry on doing sth
5. to continue speaking after a short pause (短暂停顿后)继续说‘You know’, he went on, ‘I never liked her.’
Go on then! Tell me what happened!
She hesitated for a moment, and then went on.
SYN carry on
6. (of a light, the electricity, etc. 电灯、供电等) to start to work; to be switched on 打开;接通;开始运行Suddenly all the lights went on.
OPP go off
7. (of time 时间) to pass 流逝;过去Things will improve as time goes on.
She became more miserable as the evening went on.
SYN go by
8. (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to take place; to happen 发生;出现What’s going on here?
Who knows what goes on when I’m away.
There must be a party going on next door.
She ignores a lot of what goes on.
9. (to sth/to do sth) to do sth after you have finished sth else (完成某事后)接着做(另一件事)Do all the students go on to work in catering?
Let’s go on to the next item on the agenda.
The boys went on to a club, but I decided to go home.
10. ˌgo ˈon! (informal) used to encourage or dare sb to do sth (用于鼓励或激将)来吧Go on! Have another cake.
Go on! Try it!
Go on! Ask her out! I dare you!
11. (about sb/sth) to continue talking to sb for a long time about the same person or thing, usually in an annoying way 唠叨;说个没完They keep going on about their trip.
What is she going on about?
My parents went on and on about how successful my sister is.
SYN bang on about sb/sth (BrE, informal)
12. (at sb) (about sth) (especially BrE) to complain to sb about their behaviour, work, etc. (为某事)(向某人)唠叨,埋怨,指责My dad went on at me about not having a job.
Stop going on at me!
She keeps going on at me to dress better.
SYN carry on (at sb) (about sth) , criticize sb
13. to continue to travel in the direction you are going (按原来的方向)继续旅行,继续行进I’m too tired to go on.
They had an accident and couldn’t go on.
SYN carry on
14. (ahead/to sth) to travel in front of sb else 先走一步;先行Jack’s going on ahead to get the house ready.
Shall we wait for Ray or shall we go on into town without him?
15. (of a road, a piece of land, etc. 道路、土地等) to cover a particular distance in a particular direction 延伸;延续The desert seemed to go on forever.
16. (of an actor or a performer 演员或表演者) to walk onto the stage to begin their performance 上场;登台She doesn’t go on till Act 2.
17. (sport 体育) (of a player 运动员) to join a team instead of another player during a game 替补上场Allen went on (in place of Brown) just before half-time.
18. go on (informal, especially BrE) used to agree to do or allow sth that you do not really want to do or allow, after sb has persuaded you (表示勉强同意)行吧,可以吧‘Are you sure you won’t come? ’ ‘Oh go on then, but I won’t be able to stay long.’
19. go on! (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) used to show that you do not believe what sb is saying (表示不相信)真的吗Go on! You didn’t eat it all yourself!
SYN get away (with you)
[v + adv]4 also [v + adv + -ing]5 also [v + adv + speech]
be ˌgoing ˈon (for) sth (BrE) to be nearly a particular age, time or number 接近,将近(某个年龄、时间或数字)It was going on (for) midnight.
She’s 20, going on 21.
她现在 20 岁,马上 21 了。
enough, plenty, etc. to be going ˈon withenough, plenty, etc. for our present needs 足够目前所需;绰绰有余That should be enough food to be going on with.


[plural] (informal)
activities or events that are strange or amusing 异常情况;有趣的活动(或事情)There have been some strange goings-on at their house.


[usually before noun]
continuing to exist or develop 继续存在的;仍在进行的;不断发展的an ongoing process
the ongoing debate
an ongoing situation
The problem is ongoing.
ˌgo ˈonˌgo ˈon sthto fit or be put on top of another object (大小等)合适;放到…顶部;盖上The lid won’t go on.
This shoe won’t go on my foot at all.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˈgo on sth1. (used in negative sentences and questions 用于否定句和疑问句) to base an opinion or a judgement on sth 以…为依据;凭…来判断The police don’t have much evidence to go on.
I’m only going on what she told me.
2. to begin doing, following, enjoying or using sth 开始(做、遵循、享受或使用)to go on a course / trip
I’m going on a diet on Monday.
When are you going on holiday?
to go on the dole (= to start to receive government unemployment benefit)
When do the band go on tour?
[v + prep]
ˈgo on sthˈgo on doing sth (of money, time, energy, etc. 金钱、时间、能源等) to be spent or used for sth 花在…上;用于All his money goes on drink.
Most of the electricity we use goes on running the computers.
 see also go on (4)[v + prep]
ˌgo ˈout 🔑1. (for/to sth) to leave your house to go to social events, etc. 出门参加社交活动;外出交际Shall we go out for a meal tonight?
Ellie goes out a lot.
She goes out dancing most weekends.
Jenny usually goes out with her friends on Friday evenings.
OPP stay in
2. (with sb/together) (informal) (especially of young people 尤指年轻人) to spend time with sb and have a romantic or sexual relationship with them (与…)约会,谈情说爱Sam has been going out with Kate for six months.
How long have Sam and Kate been going out together?
When did they start going out?
SYN date, date sb
3. (of a letter, a message, etc. 信件、信息等) to be sent, announced, etc. 寄出;发送出;公布Have the invitations gone out yet?
A memo went out about the director’s resignation.
4. (of news, information, etc. 新闻、消息等) to be made public; to be published 公布;发布;刊行Word went out that the Prime Minister had resigned.
The magazine goes out six times a year.
5. (especially BrE) (of a radio or television programme 广播或电视节目) to be broadcast 播送;播出The first episode goes out next Friday at 8.00 p.m.
The show will go out live from the studio.
6. (of a fire or a light 火或灯光) to stop burning or shining 熄灭The fire has gone out.
There was a power cut and all the lights went out.
SUBJ lights, fire
SYN be extinguished
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析go out
burn (itself) out ◇ die down ◇ go out
These verbs all mean to stop burning. 这些动词都表示熄灭。 See also put sth out .
burn (itself) out
to stop burning because there is nothing more to burn 燃尽;熄灭The fire had burnt (itself) out before the fire engines arrived. 消防车赶到时,火已经灭了。

die down
to burn less strongly (火势)变弱;渐渐熄灭As the flames died down he felt cold air on his face. 火焰小了,他感到脸上阵阵寒气。

go out
to stop burning 熄灭The candles had all gone out and I was left in darkness. 蜡烛全灭了,我陷入黑暗之中。

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSa fire / blaze goes out / burns (itself) out / dies down flames go out / die downa candle / cigarette goes outto gradually burn (itself) out / die downto suddenly go out
7. if money goes out, it is spent on bills and expenses (钱)用掉,花掉We need to have more money coming in than going out.
OPP come in
8. (to …) to leave your country and travel to another one, especially one far away 出国(尤指去遥远的国度)We went out to see him when he was living in Australia.
Have you been out to India recently?
9. if the tide goes out, the sea moves away from the land 退潮;落潮When does the tide go out?
SUBJ only the tide
SYN ebb
(more formal)
OPP come in
10. to fail in a competition, contest, etc. (竞赛等中)遭淘汰,出局She went out in the first round of the tournament.
[v + adv]
go out like a ˈlightto fall asleep very quickly 迅速入睡I went out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow.


1. very friendly and liking to meet and talk to other people 友好的;开朗的;爱交际的Annie’s sister is much more outgoing than she is.
2. [only before noun] about to leave a position of responsibility 即将卸任的;即将离职的the outgoing government
3. [only before noun] going away from a particular place 向外的;离开的outgoing calls / flights / passengers
the outgoing tide


[plural] (BrE)
the money which a person or a company spends regularly on bills and other necessary expenses 开支;经常性支出They haven’t got enough money to cover their outgoings.
ˌgo ˈout 🔑ˌgo ˈout of sth 🔑1. to leave a room, building, etc. 出门;出去It’s too cold to go out.
The talking started as soon as the teacher went out of the room.
It isn’t a good idea to go out alone at night.
I’m going out for a walk.
He’s just gone out to get a newspaper.
My grandmother never went out to work (= away from the home).
She went straight out and spent £200 on a new coat.
她立马出去花 200 英镑买了件新外套。
OPP go in, go in sth, go into sth
2. to become no longer fashionable or used 不再流行;不再使用That hairstyle went out of fashion years ago.
Styles like that have completely gone out now.
The word ‘leathern’ has gone out of use in modern English.
现代英语已经不用 leathern 一词了。
OPP come in, come in sth, come into sth
[v + adv] [v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈout for sth (NAmE) to try to gain a place in a sports team, a band or a group that does some other activity 争取加入(运动队、乐队等团体)I had to talk Greg into going out for the basketball team.
‘Did she make the band? ’ ‘She didn’t go out for it.’
SYN try for sth (especially BrE) , try out (for sth) (especially NAmE) [v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈout of sb/sth (of a quality or feeling 品质或感觉) to no longer be present in sb/sth; to disappear from sb/sth 在…中不复存在;从…中消失He relaxed and the tension went out of him.
The heat had gone out of the day.
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈout to sbif you say that your heart, thoughts, prayers, etc. go out to sb, you are expressing sympathy for them 同情,怜悯(某人)Our hearts go out to all the victims of the disaster.
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈover1. (to sb/sth) to move towards sb/sth, especially crossing a room, etc. (尤指通过房间等)(向…)走去He went over to the window for a closer look at the parade.
I went over and sat beside Jane.
2. (to sth) to visit sb for a short time, usually at their house (到别人家)短暂拜访,探望I’m going over to my daughter’s for lunch.
 see also go round (1)
3. (to …) to travel to a place in another country, especially by sea (到海外)旅行My family live in Belgium and I’m going over to see them next week.
4. [+ adv] (NAmE) go down (4) My suggestion didn’t go over well with my boss.
The news of her promotion went over well with her colleagues.
[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈoverˌgo ˈover sthto pass above or over the top of sb/sth 从…上方经过Planes were going over all night.
We were shaken as the car went over the bumps in the road.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌgo ˈover sth 🔑1. to do more, spend more, etc. than a particular amount or than you are allowed to do 超出,越出(某一数量或允许范围)Don’t go over the speed limit.
Did you go over budget on your project?
SYN exceed sth (more formal)
2. to examine the details of sth; to check sth 检查细节;审核I’ll go over the figures again to make sure they’re right.
Go over your work carefully before you hand it in.
  note at check sb/sth over
3. to study sth carefully; to repeat sth 反复研究;仔细琢磨I’ve gone over and over what happened in my mind.
She went over her lines ( = in a play) until she knew them perfectly.
4. to look at or check sth carefully 细查;检查Police went (back) over all the evidence again.
My dad went over the car thoroughly and advised us not to buy it.
5. to draw, paint, etc. over the top of sth that has already been drawn or painted 描摹;临摹I’ve gone over the original drawing in pen.
6. to clean sth by passing sth across the surface 打扫干净;擦拭干净He went over the surfaces with a duster.
[v + prep] ˌgoing-ˈover


[singular] (informal) 1. an act of examining, cleaning or repairing sth thoroughly (彻底)检查,打扫,维修I’ve given the flat a good going-over (= a thorough clean).
The garage gave the car a thorough going-over (= a careful check).
2. a serious attack on sb, physically or in words 毒打;痛骂The gang gave him a real going-over.
ˌgo ˈover to sb/sth1. to leave a group of people in order to join a competing group; to change from one side, opinion, habit, system, etc. to another; to start using sth different 转向(另一团体、立场、见解、习惯、体系等);开始启用(不同事物)Two MPs went over to the opposition.
We’ve recently gone over to semi-skimmed milk.
2. (in broadcasting 广播) to transfer to a different person, place, etc. for the next part of a programme 切换到(另一人物、地点等)Let’s go over to the news desk for an important announcement.
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈpast (of time 时间) to pass 流逝;过去Half an hour went past while we were sitting there.
[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈpast 🔑ˌgo ˈpast sb/sth 🔑to pass in front of sb/sth 在(…)面前经过I stood back to let Jack go past.
The shop is empty whenever I go past it.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌgo ˈround (BrE) 🔑 (NAmE ˌgo aˈround) 1. (to sth) to visit sb for a short time, usually at their house (常指到别人家里)探望一下Why don’t you go round and see Annie?
I’ve got to go around to my sister’s (= to her house) in the morning.
 see also go over (2)
2. to spin or turn 旋转;转动When I found the bicycle, the wheels were still going round.
(figurative) I’ve got so many ideas going around in my head at the moment.
 see also go around, etc.[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈthrough1. (to sth) (informal) used especially to ask sb to enter a room, etc. (尤用于邀请)进来,进去Shall we go through to my office?
Go through and make yourself comfortable.
2. if a law, a contract, etc. goes through, it is officially approved, accepted or completed (法律、合同等)获得通过,获得批准The bill went through without any objections.
The adoption (= of a child) has finally gone through.
3. if a business deal, etc. goes through, it is completed successfully (商业交易等)达成,成功We are almost certain the deal will go through.
If the merger goes through, we may lose our jobs.
4. (to sth) to pass to the next stage of a competition, etc., having won the first part(s) 获胜进入(下一阶段比赛等)Four teams will go through to the semi-final.
[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈthroughˌgo ˈthrough sthto enter and cross a room, an area of land, a town, a country, etc.; to pass through sth 穿过,越过(房间、地域、城镇、国家等)The gates opened and we went through.
Lots of huge trucks go through the town.
You have to go through the lounge to reach the kitchen.
The defence was weak, and the ball went through into the goal.
The bullet went straight through the window.
This is the hole where the bullet went through.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌgo ˈthrough sb1. if a feeling goes through you, it passes through your body (感觉)传遍全身A shudder went through her.
2. if a particular type of food goes through you, your body cannot deal with it easily and it is emptied from your body quickly or in liquid form (某种食物)使腹泻I can’t eat sushi—it goes right through me.
[v + prep]
ˈgo through sb/sthto ask a person or an organization to deal with sth for you or give you permission to do sth 通过(他人或机构)处理;向…提出申请If you want to book the cruise, you’ll have to go through a travel agent.
[v + prep]
ˌgo ˈthrough sth 🔑1. to pass through sth from one end to the other 从…的一端到另一端;穿过We went through the woods to get to the lake.
(figurative) What went through your mind when you saw her?
2. if you go through an event, a period of time, etc., you pass through it from the beginning to the end 自始至终经历(某一事件、时期等);经过He went through the day in a state of shock.
She can’t go through life always depending on her parents.
3. to experience or suffer sth 经历;遭受You don’t realize what I’ve been going through.
She’s been through a bad patch recently.
We’ve been through a lot together.
It’s a phase / stage all teenagers go through.
OBJ phase, experience, a bad, difficult, etc. patch
SYN undergo sth
(more formal)
4. to look at, check or examine sth closely and carefully, especially in order to find sth 仔细找遍;仔细查遍;仔细搜遍I’ve gone through all my pockets but I can’t find my keys.
After his death, his daughter had to go through his papers.
OBJ pockets, papers
5. to discuss or study sth in detail, especially repeating it (尤指反复地)详细探讨,仔细研究Let’s go through the arguments again.
Could we go through Act 2 once more?
SYN run through sth
6. to perform a series of actions; to follow a method 经过(一套程序、所有步骤等)This is the process you have to go through to become a club member.
I made a mistake when I was logging out and had to go through the whole process again.
Have you seen him go through his exercise routine in the mornings?
OBJ process, routine, procedure
7. to use up sth 用完;耗尽I seem to be going through a lot of money at the moment.
Have we gone through all that milk already?
SYN get through sth
8. to wear or make a hole in sth 磨破;穿破I’ve gone through the elbows of my jumper.
[v + prep]
go through the ˈmotions (of sth/of doing sth)1. to pretend to do sth 假装,佯装(做某事);装出…的样子He just went through the motions of being a poet.
2. to do or say sth without being serious or sincere about it 走过场;敷衍了事;装模作样Her heart wasn’t in the game—she was just going through the motions.
go through the ˈroof1. (of prices, etc. 价格等) to rise very quickly 飙升;陡升;猛涨House prices have gone through the roof.
2. to become very angry 震怒;暴怒My mum will go through the roof if she finds out!
ˌgo ˈthrough with sthto do what is necessary to complete sth or achieve sth, even though it may be difficult or unpleasant 做完,完成(艰难或令人不快的事)She decided not to go through with the operation (= she decided not to have it).
He says he’ll take us to court, but he’ll never go through with it.
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈto it (NAmE, informal) used to tell sb to start doing sth 开始吧;动手吧You need to get it finished by six. Go to it!
We better go to it before it gets dark.
[v + prep + it]
ˈgo to sb/sth1. to be given to sb/sth; to pass to sb else when sb dies 给予;归于;(去世后)遗留给Proceeds from the concert will go to charity.
Some of the credit for the book should go to the illustrator.
The first prize went to Peter.
The contract has gone to a private firm.
The property went to his eldest daughter (= when he died).
2. to approach sb/sth for help or information; to ask sb for sympathy or advice 向…求助(或咨询);希望获得(某人)的同情(或建议)Sue goes to her friends for support rather than her family.
He’s the only person I can go to for advice.
I always go to my dictionary when I come across a word I don’t know.
SYN turn to sb/sth
[v + prep] ˈgo-to


[only before noun] (NAmE, informal)
a go-to guy, etc. is one that you can approach for help, information, etc. 可以求助的;可以咨询的Jimmy’s the go-to guy if you’re looking for advice about your car.
ˈgo to sth1. to start to do sth; to begin to be in a particular state or condition 开始着手(某事);进入,陷入(某种境地或状况)The two countries are set to go to war over the dispute.
I hate to see food going to waste.
My brain went to work on (= started to think about) what I should do next.
OBJ only war, waste, work
2. to make a lot of effort, spend a lot of money, etc. in order to do or achieve sth 花费(精力、金钱等)做Don’t go to any trouble on my behalf.
Why go to the expense of buying a car?
He went to great pains to persuade us.
It’s amazing the lengths people will go to to get a job.
OBJ only trouble, expense, pains, lengths
[v + prep + n]
go to the ˈdogs (informal) to get into a very bad state 衰落;没落Some people think this country is going to the dogs.
go to sb’s ˈhead1. (of alcohol ) to make sb feel drunk 使醉;上头2. (of success, praise, etc. 成功、赞扬等) to make sb feel very proud of themselves, especially in a way that other people find annoying (使)冲昏头脑,扬扬自得,忘乎所以go to ˈpieces (informal) if sb goes to pieces, they become so upset or frightened that they cannot live or work normally 萎靡不振;崩溃;心慌意乱It seems he goes to pieces in a crisis.
go to ˈpot (informal) to be spoiled because people are not working hard or taking care of things (因不努力或不上心而)荒废,完蛋His plan to make money had gone to pot.
go to ˈsleep1. to fall asleep 入睡;睡着2. if part of your body goes to sleep, you lose the sense of feeling in it (身体部位)麻木,毫无知觉go to ˈtown (on sth)to do sth with a lot of energy and enthusiasm, especially spending a lot of money (尤指花大钱)大干一番,全力以赴They hadn’t got a garden, so they really went to town on indoor plants.
go to the ˈwallif a company or a business goes to the wall, it fails because of a lack of money (公司或企业因缺乏资金而)走投无路,倒闭,破产
ˌgo toˈgether1. (of two or more things 两个或多个事物) to exist at the same time; to be often found together 并存;相伴而生Money and happiness don’t always go together.
 see also go with sth (2)
2. to look, taste, sound, etc. good together; to combine well with sth (外形、味道、声音等)和谐,相配These colours go together well.
Curry and pasta don’t go together.
NOTE Go is also used * go 也作此义Curry and pasta don’t really go.
These colours don’t really go.
 see also go with sth (1)
3. (becoming old-fashioned, especially NAmE) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) (of two people 两人) to spend time with each other and have a romantic or sexual relationship 相恋;相好They haven’t been going together long.
 see also go out (2)
[v + adv]
ˈgo towards sthˈgo towards doing sthto be used as part of the payment for sth; to be used as part of sth 成为…的部分付款;用于…(作为其中的一部分)The money will go towards buying a computer.
All these marks go towards my final diploma.
[v + prep]
ˌgo ˈunder1. to sink below the surface of the water 沉入水中;沉没They had to swim to shore when the boat went under.
Someone rushed to help him when he went under.
他落水后, 有人急忙下水去救他。
2. (informal) to fail, lose power, etc.; to be unable to pay what you owe 失败;垮台;破产A large number of small companies have gone under.
[v + adv]
ˈgo under sthto be known by a particular name or title 名为;称为Does he go under any other names?
OBJ the name of…, a different, etc. name, the title of… see also go by sth (2)[v + prep]
ˌgo ˈup 🔑1. to become higher in price, level, etc.; to rise (价格、水平等)上升,增长The price of cigarettes is going up.
Cigarettes are going up (in price).
My pension has gone up (by) £5 a week.
我的养老金每周涨了 5 英镑。
SUBJ price, temperature
SYN rise

OPP come down
, go down
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析go up
climb ◇ go up ◇ grow ◇ increase ◇ rise
These are all verbs that can be used when an amount, level or number of sth gets bigger or higher. 这些动词都表示上涨、上升、增长。 See also put sth up , shoot up .
to become greater in level or value (水平或价值)上升,上涨The dollar / temperature / price of oil has been climbing all week. 整整一周,美元汇率/气温/油价节节攀升。

go up
to become greater in level or value (水平或价值)上升,上涨The price of cigarettes is going up. 香烟价格在上涨。Do you think interest rates will go up again? 你认为利率会再次提高吗?

to become greater in size, number or strength (大小、数字)上升;(强度)增强The company profits are expected to grow by 5% next year. 公司利润明年有望增长 5%。She is growing in confidence all the time. 她的信心越来越足。

to become greater in amount, level, number, degree, value, size or strength: 上升;上涨;增长The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million. 人口从 120 万增长到 180 万。The rate of inflation increased by 2%. 通货膨胀率上升了 2%。

to become greater in number, level or amount (数字、水平或数量)上升,增长rising fuel bills / crime rates 不断上升的燃料费/犯罪率Unemployment has risen by 3%. 失业率上升了 3%。Gas rose sharply in price. 煤气价格快速上涨。

Rise is most often used to talk about the number or level of sth; grow and increase can also be used about size and strength * rise 常用于指数字或水平; grow 和 increase 也可用于指大小和强度 Profits / Numbers have risen / grown / increased. 利润增长/数字攀升Her confidence / fear grew / increased. 她的信心/恐惧增强了。
Climb is usually used about a number rather than an amount. * climb 通常用于指数字,而非数量。

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSthe price / number rises / increases / climbs / goes upthe level / cost / temperature rises / increases / goes upthe size / amount grows / increasesto rise / grow / increase / climb / go up slightly / steadily / slowly / rapidly / dramatically / sharply to rise / grow / increase / go up significantly / substantially / considerably
2. (to sb/sth) to go towards sb/sth 走向;前往He went up to the house and knocked on the door.
3. (to…) to travel from one place to another, especially from the south of a country to the north (尤指从一国南部某处)去(北部某处);北上She’s gone up to Scotland to see her son.
Are you going up to London tomorrow?
4. to be built; to be put up 建起;竖起New office blocks are going up everywhere.
5. to be destroyed by fire or an explosion 焚毁;炸掉If one of the gas tanks goes up, there will be massive damage.
The whole building went up in flames.
6. to be fixed in a public place 张贴;张挂Notices have gone up all over the university.
7. if the curtain across the stage in a theatre goes up, it is raised or opened (剧院舞台的帷幕)升起,拉开The stage was empty when the curtain went up.
SUBJ curtain
OPP come down
8. if a loud sound such as a shout goes up, it is made by lots of people (喊声等)响起,爆发A huge cheer went up from the crowd.
SUBJ cheer, cry
9. (to/into sth) (of a sports team or a student 运动队或学生) to move to a higher rank, position or class 晋级;升级Oxford went up into the second division.
Is she going up into the sixth form this year?
OPP go down
10. (to…) (BrE) to begin your studies at a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge; to begin a term at university 上大学(尤指牛津或剑桥);进入大学新学期She went up (to Oxford) in 1996.
她 1996 年上的(牛津)大学。
OPP go down
[v + adv]
ˌgo ˈup 🔑ˌgo ˈup sth 🔑to move from a lower position to a higher one or upstairs in a building 上去;上来;上楼;沿…上去The lift goes up and down all day.
Go up the ladder.
She went up the stairs very slowly.
Julie’s gone up to her room to change.
OBJ stairs, hill, road
SYN ascend
, ascend sth (formal)
OPP go down, go down sth
, descend, descend sth (formal)
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌgo ˈup against sb/sth (NAmE, informal) to face sb/sth difficult, for example in a competition 面临,应对(难以对付的人或事物)He went up against the champion in the second round.
In a consumer taste test, Coke went up against Pepsi.
[v + adv + prep]
ˌgo ˈup to sthto come close to a particular point or time, or go in a particular direction 接近(某一地点或时间);通向This diary only goes up to November.
这本日记只写到 11 月。
The road goes up to the school.
[v + adv + prep]
ˈgo with sb (old-fashioned, informal) to have a sexual or romantic relationship with sb; to have sex with sb 与某人谈恋爱;与某人发生性关系She’s been going with him for quite a while.
 see also go out (2)[v + prep]
ˈgo with sb/sth (informal, especially NAmE) to support a plan, an idea, etc. or the person suggesting it 支持,赞同(计划、想法、提议者等)I’m prepared to go with her decision.
I like Ted’s idea. Let’s go with it.
Which candidate shall we go with?
[v + prep]
ˈgo with sth 🔑1. to look, taste, sound, etc. good with sth; to combine well with sth (外形、味道、声音等)和谐,相称This sauce goes well with lamb.
Does this skirt go with my jumper?
 see also go together (2)
2. (of two or more things 两个或多个事物) to exist at the same time or in the same place as sth; to be often found together 并存;相伴而生Disease often goes with poverty.
She loves all the attention that goes with being famous.
 see also go together (1)
3. to be included with or as a part of sth 附属于;是…的一部分A new car goes with the job.
[v + prep]
ˌgo withˈout 🔑ˌgo withˈout sth 🔑ˌgo withˈout doing sth 🔑to manage without sth which you usually have 没有…而勉强应付;没有…也行I never want the children to have to go without.
She went without sleep for three days.
SYN do without, do without sth[v + adv] [v + prep]




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