释义 |
●ˌget sb/sth toˈgetherto bring people or things together in one place 召集,聚集(人员);收集,汇集(物品)◆She’s getting her things together ready to leave. 她正在打点行装准备出发。◆Do you think you could get together a team for Saturday’s match? 你觉得你能召集起一支队伍参加星期六的比赛吗?◆We’re getting a band together. 我们正在组建一支乐队。◆ (figurative) We’ll need some time to get our ideas together and come up with a plan. 我们需要点时间集思广益并制订出一个计划。◆Can you get the money together by Friday? 你到星期五能把钱收齐吗?◆Do you think you can get together a proposal by next week? 你觉得到下个星期你能拟出计划吗?◆I haven’t got anything together for the trip. 我根本没开始收拾旅行用品呢。[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
●get your ˈact together (informal) to become organized in order to be able to deal with or achieve sth 安排有序◆If he gets his act together he could be very successful. 如果他做事有条不紊,就会大有作为。◆The government needs to get its act together on unemployment. 政府需要有条理地应对失业问题。●get it toˈgether (with sb) (informal) 1. to start a romantic or sexual relationship with sb (与某人)产生恋情,发生性关系◆I didn’t know Bill and Gina had got it together! 我还不知道比尔和吉娜好上了呢!2. to become organized in order to be able to deal with or achieve sth 安排有序◆The team needs to get it together if they want to win the match. 该队如想赢得比赛,就需要作出周密的安排。 |