释义 |
●ˌflood ˈin●ˌflood ˈinto sth1. if water, etc. floods in or floods into a place, it moves to fill or cover it (水等)注入,涌入(某处)◆He opened the door and water came flooding in. 他一打开门,水就冲了进来。◆Sunshine flooded into the room. 阳光洒满房间。2. to come to or arrive at a place in large numbers or great quantities 大量涌入;蜂拥而至;纷至沓来◆Letters of support have been flooding in from all over the country. 声援信件从全国各地潮水般地涌来。SYN pour in, pour into sth[v + adv] [v + prep] |