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cloud /klaʊd/ ► SEE ALLcloud overcloud up ●ˌcloud ˈover1. (NAmE also ˌcloud ˈup) if the sky or the weather clouds over, clouds cover the sky and the sun disappears (天色)阴暗下来;阴云蔽日◆It’s starting to cloud over. 天阴了起来。SUBJ it, the sky2. if your face, expression, etc. clouds over, you start to look sad, worried or angry (脸色)阴沉下来;满脸哀伤;愁容满面;面有怒色◆His face clouded over when she walked into the room. 她一走进屋,他的脸色立时阴沉下来。SUBJ face, expression, eyes[v + adv]●ˌcloud ˈup (NAmE) 1. ➡ cloud over (1) ◆After lunch the sky clouded up, and we went home. 午饭过后天空乌云密布,我们就回家去了。2. if your glasses cloud up, they become covered with very small drops of water so that you cannot see through them (眼镜)布满水汽,模糊不清◆It was cold out and my glasses clouded up when I came inside. 外面很冷,我一进屋,镜片就蒙上了水雾。[v + adv] |