释义 |
●ˌcheck sth ˈoff1. to put a mark beside items on a list to show that they are correct, present or have been dealt with (经查对无误在清单项目旁)做记号,打钩◆I’ve checked off all the furniture on the list. 我核对了清单上的所有家具。◆He checked everyone’s name off as they arrived. 他在每位来宾姓名旁都打了个钩。SYN tick sth off2. (especially NAmE) to put a mark in a box on a document to give an answer to a question, choose sb/sth, etc. (在表格备选方框中)做记号(表示回答、选择等);勾选◆Some voters wrote in names instead of checking off the candidates listed. 有些选民填入了姓名,而不是勾出所列的候选人。 NOTE Check sth on its own is more usual. * check sth 单独使用更常见。[v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv] |