●ˌwalk ˈout🔑1. ( ˌwalk ˈout of sth) to leave a meeting, a performance, etc. suddenly before the end, because you do not like it or are angry(因不喜欢或生气)突然离去,退场,退席◆Several students walked out of the debate before the vote. 几名学生在投票前退出了辩论会。◆Some of the audience walked out in disgust. 一些观众愤然退场。2. (of workers工人) to stop working and go on strike罢工◆The cameramen have walked out over working conditions. 摄影师们因不满意工作条件而罢工。3.(on sb/sth) (informal) to leave sb you have a close relationship with and a responsibility for遗弃;抛弃;舍弃;离开◆He walked out on his wife / marriage after 35 years. 结婚 35 年之后,他抛弃了妻子/放弃了婚姻。[v + adv]1also[v + adv + prep]▸ˈwalkout
1.a sudden strike by workers突然罢工◆The staff staged a one-day walkout. 职员突然罢工一天。2.a protest in which you leave a meeting, a performance, etc. to show your anger or disapproval(表示愤怒或异议的)退席,退场,离开