释义 |
●ˌbubble ˈup1. if a liquid bubbles up from the ground, etc., it rises up in the form of bubbles or making the sound of bubbles (液体)沸腾,冒泡,发出冒泡声◆Water bubbled up from the pool. 池塘里咕嘟咕嘟地冒水。◆ (figurative) Clouds will bubble up (= start to form) later this afternoon. 今天傍晚将转多云。2. if an emotion, etc. bubbles up, it becomes stronger and starts to be heard or seen (感情等)变得强烈,开始流露◆I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me. 我怒火中烧。◆Laughter came bubbling up. 笑声传了过来。[v + adv] |