

词组 break
释义 break /breɪk/
(broke /BrE brəʊk; NAmE broʊk/ , broken /BrE ˈbrəʊkən; NAmE ˈbroʊkən/ )
SEE ALLˌbreak aˈway1. (from sth) if an object breaks away from sth that is holding it in place, it becomes separated from it 脱离;脱开The boat had broken away from its moorings.
2. (from sb) to escape suddenly from sb who is holding you or keeping you prisoner 脱逃;挣脱The prisoner broke away from the guards.
3. (from sb/sth) to leave a group or an organization, such as a political party or a state, because of a disagreement, usually in order to form a new one 脱离,退出(集团或组织,通常指另立门户)Several MPs broke away to form a new party.
Two states broke away from the federation.
4. (from sb/sth) to move away from a group of people or a crowd (从一组人、人群中)离开,脱开She managed to break away from the pack (= in a race) and establish a lead.
He broke away from the group and came over to talk to us.
5. (from sb/sth) to reject a tradition or the usual way of doing things and do sth new and different 抛弃(习惯);破除(传统);破旧立新The company is trying to break away from its traditional image.
[v + adv] ˈbreakaway


[only before noun]
a breakaway group, political party or part of a country is one that leaves a larger group (从集团、政党或国家中)分离出来的a breakaway faction / movement / republic


an act of separating from a larger group/state, etc. 脱离;分裂
ˌbreak ˈdown 🔑1. if a vehicle, etc. breaks down, it stops working because of a fault (车辆等)出故障,出毛病The washing machine has broken down again.
We (= our car) broke down twice on the way home.
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析break down
break down ◇ crash ◇ go down ◇ go wrong
These are all verbs that can be used when a machine stops working because of a fault. 这些动词都表示机器出故障、出毛病、失灵。
break down
(of a machine or vehicle) to stop working because of a fault (机器或交通工具)出故障,出毛病The washing machine has broken down again. 洗衣机又坏了。We (= our car) broke down on the motorway. 我们在高速公路上抛锚了。
NOTE Break can be used on its own, but is not used to talk about vehicles * break 可单独使用,但不用于指交通工具My watch has broken. 我的手表坏了。 breakdown


a breakdown on the motorway 在高速公路上抛锚

(of a computer or computer system) to stop working suddenly (计算机或计算机系统)突然崩溃,死机Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes. 如果系统突然崩溃,文件可能会丢失。

go down
(of a computer system) to stop working temporarily (计算机系统)暂停工作,暂停运行The system is going down in ten minutes. 十分钟后系统将暂停运行。

go wrong
to stop working correctly 出毛病;出故障The new television set will contain fewer components to go wrong. 新电视机的元件中会出故障的将更少。

Machines, devices and parts inside machines and vehicles can go wrong; whole vehicles cannot. If sth goes wrong, it may not stop working completely, as it does if it breaks or breaks down. When computers or computer systems crash, this is always sudden and unexpected; when a system goes down, it may have been turned off deliberately while work is carried out on it. * go wrong 用于指机器、装置以及机器和车辆的零件出故障,而不用于指整辆车。go wrong 并不表示完全停止工作; break 和 break down 则有此义。crash 通常指计算机或计算机系统突然、意外地停止运行; go down 可能指在系统工作时有意关闭系统。
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS the TV / the DVD player / my watch has broken / gone wrong the washing machine has broken down / gone wrong my car has broken down my computer has gone wrong / crashed the computer system has crashed / gone down
2. if talks, a marriage, etc. break down, they fail (谈判、婚姻等)失败,破裂Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.
Their marriage broke down after three years.
3. to lose control of your feelings and start crying 情不自禁地哭起来As she drove away, I just broke down and wept.
4. if your health breaks down, it becomes very bad (健康)恶化,崩溃Her health broke down as a result of the strain.
5. (into sth) to be divided into parts so that it is easier to discuss, to analyse or to deal with 分成(若干部分)My weekly budget breaks down as follows: 50% for rent, 20% for food, 10% for travel, and 20% for everything else.
我每周的预算分项列明如下:租金 50%,食物 20%,交通 10%,其他 20%。
The job breaks down into seven parts.
 see also break sth down (3)
6. (into sth) if a substance breaks down, it separates into different parts or changes into sth else in a chemical process (化学变化中物质)分解,转化Some pesticides break down safely in water.
 see also break sth down (4)
[v + adv] ˈbreakdown


1. [countable] an occasion when a vehicle or a machine stops working (车辆或机器的)故障,损坏We had a breakdown on the way home.
a breakdown truck
2. [countable, uncountable] a failure of talks, a marriage, law and order, etc. (谈判、婚姻的)失败,终止;(治安的)瘫痪a breakdown in communication
They were both responsible for the breakdown of their marriage.
3. [countable] a period of mental illness when sb becomes tired, depressed and unable to lead a normal life 神经衰弱;精神崩溃He had a nervous breakdown last year.
4. [countable, usually singular] detailed information or figures that are the results of dividing sth into its parts to explain it more clearly 细目;细分Get me a breakdown of how the money was spent.
5. [uncountable] the act of dividing a substance into its parts in a chemical process (化学变化中的)分解


[only before noun]1. (of a vehicle or a machine 车辆或机器) not working 出故障的;坏了的a broken-down car
2. in a poor condition 状况差的;破败的a broken-down wall
ˌbreak sth ˈdown1. to make sth fall down or open by hitting it hard 打倒;砸破They had to get the police to break the door down.
OBJ door
SYN knock sth down
2. to destroy or remove sth, especially a problem or an attitude or opinion that sb has 破除,消解(问题、态度或看法)Our aim is to break down barriers that exist between teachers and parents.
OBJ barriers
3. (into sth) to separate sth into smaller parts in order to analyse it or deal with it more easily 对…进行分类;细分I’ve broken down the costs by country.
The company was broken down into smaller units.
The question can be broken down into two parts.
 see also break down (5)
4. (into sth) to make a substance separate into its parts or change in a chemical process 使分解;使转化Enzymes in the mouth and stomach break the food down.
 see also break down (6)
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌbreak ˈin 🔑1. to enter a building illegally or by force 非法闯入;强行进入Somebody broke in last night and stole the PC and video.
The firefighters had to break in to rescue them.
 see also break into sth (1)
2. (on sth) to interrupt sb when they are speaking or doing sth 打断;打搅He apologized for breaking in on their conversation.
Mary broke in: ‘It’s not her fault!’
1 [v + adv]2 [v + adv] [v + adv + speech] ˈbreak-in


an entry into a building using force, usually illegally 非法闯入;强行进入There has been a series of break-ins in the area.
ˌbreak sb/sth ˈinto train a person so that they get used to a new job or situation; to train a horse so that you can ride it 让(新来者)适应新工作(或新环境);训练(马匹)We try to break newcomers in gently.
The horses hadn’t been broken in.
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌbreak sth ˈin1. if you break in new shoes or boots, you wear them until they become comfortable 把(新鞋)逐渐穿得合脚It took me weeks to break in these new boots.
OBJ boots, shoes
SYN wear sth in
2. (NAmE) (in the past) to prepare the engine of a new car for normal use by driving it slowly and carefully (旧时)磨合,试用(新车)OBJ car
SYN run sth in
[v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv]
ˌbreak ˈinto sth 🔑1. to enter a building, open a car, etc. illegally and by force 非法强行闯入(建筑);撬开(汽车)A thief can break into a car in under ten seconds.
Three houses in our street have been broken into this week.
OBJ house, car
2. to suddenly begin to do sth such as laugh, shout, run, etc. 突然开始(大笑、欢呼、奔跑等)He broke into a run when he saw the police.
Her face broke into a huge smile.
The audience broke into applause.
OBJ a smile/grin, a run/trot, song, laughter
3. (BrE) to use a note/bill of high value to buy sth costing less 找开,兑开(大面值钞票以支付小额费用)I didn’t want to break into a twenty-pound note.
我并不想破开一张 20 英镑的钞票。
4. to interrupt sb’s thoughts 干扰,扰乱(思路)Her mother’s voice broke into her thoughts.
OBJ thoughts
SYN disturb sth
5. to start to get involved in an activity and be successful at it, especially when this is difficult 成功参与;顺利打入The company is having difficulty breaking into new markets.
She is trying to break into journalism.
OBJ market
6. to open and use sth that you have been saving for an emergency or a special occasion 启用(应急备用品)I had to break into my savings to pay for the trip.
[v + prep]
ˌbreak ˈoff 🔑ˌbreak sth ˈoff 🔑1. ( ˌbreak sth ˈoff sth) to separate sth from sth else, using force; to become separated from sth in this way (用力)把…折断;断开The leg of the table just broke off.
A corner of her tooth had broken off.
He broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析break (sth) off
break (sth) off ◇ chip (sth) off ◇ snap (sth) off
These verbs all refer to a piece of sth becoming separated from the rest as a result of force or damage. 这些动词都表示折断、断开。
break (sth) off
to become separated from sth as a result of force; to separate a piece of sth in this way 折断;断开The back section of the plane had broken off. 飞机尾部已经折断。She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me. 她掰下一块巧克力给了我。

chip (sth) off
to damage sth by breaking a small piece off it; to become damaged in this way 碰下(碎片等);剥落The plaster had chipped off and no repairs had been done. 灰泥已出现剥落,却没人修缮过。

snap (sth) off
to break off suddenly with a sharp noise; to break sth off in this way 啪的一声突然折断The branch she was standing on must have snapped off. 她站在上面的那根树枝肯定是咔嚓一下折断了。He snapped a twig off a bush. 他啪的一声从灌木上折下细枝。

Chip off is used for materials like glass, paint or bone; snap off is used for objects which tend to break easily under pressure. Break off is the most general of these verbs. * chip off 用于指玻璃、油漆、骨头等材料; snap off 用于指受力易折断的物体。这些动词中,break off 含义最宽泛。
2. to stop speaking or stop doing sth suddenly before you have finished (突然)停顿,暂停He broke off abruptly in the middle of a sentence.
We had to break off our holiday and return home immediately.
They broke off their conversation as I approached.
1 [v + adv] [v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv] [v + n/pron + prep]2 [v + adv] [v + adv + n] [v + pron + adv] [v + n + adv] (rare)
ˌbreak sth ˈoffto end sth such as a relationship 结束,终止(关系等)They’ve broken off their engagement.
Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.
They were having an affair but she broke it off.
OBJ diplomatic relations, engagement, talks/negotiations, affair
SYN terminate
[v + adv + n] [v + pron + adv] [v + n + adv] (rare)
ˌbreak ˈout 🔑1. if sth unpleasant such as a fire, a war, etc. breaks out, it starts suddenly (火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发They would have got married in 1939 if war had not broken out.
要不是爆发战争,他们在 1939 年就结婚了。
A fire broke out on a ferry yesterday.
SUBJ war, fire, fighting, row, violence
2. ( ˌbreak ˈout of sth) to escape from a place or from a situation 逃离;脱身Two terrorists have broken out of Blackwall Prison.
She longed to break out of the daily routine.
3. if sth breaks out on your skin, your skin becomes covered in sth (皮肤)布满Sweat broke out all over his body.
(NAmE) I keep breaking out (= I keep getting lots of spots).
[v + adv]2 also [v + adv + prep] ˈbreakout


1. an escape from prison 越狱2. (especially NAmE) an occasion when you get spots on the face, etc. 长粉刺I’m prone to breakouts on my forehead.


the start of sth or the sudden appearance of sth unpleasant or violent 突然发生;突发the outbreak of war
an outbreak of food poisoning
outbreaks of rain
ˌbreak sth ˈout1. to get sth ready to be used, eaten, drunk, etc. 预备好,备妥(用品、食物、饮料等)That’s wonderful news! Let’s break out the champagne!
OBJ champagne
2. (by sth) (NAmE) to separate information into categories in order to study it more closely 把(信息)分门别类;对…条分缕析The survey does not break data out by race.
It is useful to break out results by state.
OBJ data
[v + adv + n] [v + pron + adv] [v + n + adv] ˈbreakout


the separation of information into categories in order to study it more closely (信息的)分类,归类Breakouts were organized into ten regions.
ˌbreak ˈout in/into sthto suddenly become covered in sth such as sweat 突然布满(汗水等)He broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of the trial.
My skin has broken out in an itchy rash.
OBJ sweat, rash[v + adv + prep]
ˌbreak ˈthrough (especially NAmE) to achieve your first important success in sth; to make an important or new discovery 获得初次重要成功;取得重大新发现;突破Scarlett Johansson broke through as a star with ‘Lost in Translation’.
Scientists believe they have broken through in their fight against the disease.
NOTE The phrase to make a breakthrough is used more often than to break through * to make a breakthrough 比 to break through 更常用Scientists have made a major breakthrough in their fight against AIDS.
[v + adv] ˈbreakthrough


an important discovery or development; sb’s first important success in sth 重大发现(或进展);初次重要成功;突破an important breakthrough in the negotiations
Jo was only 19 when he got his breakthrough as a DJ.
乔作为流行音乐节目主持人崭露头角之时年仅 19 岁。
ˌbreak ˈthroughˌbreak ˈthrough sth1. to make a way through a barrier using force 冲破,突破(障碍)He ran towards the barrier in an attempt to break through.
Demonstrators tried to break through the police cordon.
OBJ barrier
2. (of the sun or moon 太阳或月亮) to appear from behind sth 从…后面露出The sun finally broke through in the afternoon.
It stopped raining and the sun broke through the clouds.
 see also break through sth[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌbreak ˈthrough sth1. to become greater in size or quantity than a particular level 超过,超越(某一水平)Unemployment figures have broken through the three million barrier.
2. to succeed in dealing with a problem, such as an attitude that sb has 突破(僵局);解决(问题等)I tried hard to break through his silent mood.
Women are starting to break through the barriers that keep them out of top management.
SYN overcome sth (more formal)
 see also break through, break through sth[v + prep]
ˌbreak ˈup 🔑1. (especially BrE) if a school or the children in it break up, school closes for the holidays at the end of a period of the school year (a term) (学校或学生)期末放假We break up for Christmas next week.
Have the schools broken up yet?
2. (of a relationship, a band, etc. 关系、乐队等) to come to an end; to stop working together 结束;解散Their marriage broke up after ten years.
There are rumours that the band is breaking up.
SUBJ marriage
3. (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) if the connection between two telephones, or two radios that are used for sending and receiving messages, is breaking up, the people speaking can no longer hear each other clearly (通话声音或无线信号)变弱,变模糊The signal was breaking up.
I’m sorry—what did you say? You’re breaking up.


[countable, uncountable]
the ending of a marriage or a relationship (婚姻或关系的)破裂,结束He moved away after the break-up of his marriage.
marriage break-up
[v + adv]
ˌbreak ˈup (with sb) 🔑ˌbreak sb ˈup 🔑to end a relationship with sb (与…)解除关系;(使)断绝关系Rob and I broke up last week.
She’s just broken up with her boyfriend.
I can’t believe my best friend is really trying to break us up!
SYN split up (with/from sb) , split sb up[v + adv] [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌbreak ˈupˌbreak sb/sth ˈup1. (into sth) if a group of people or a family breaks up, or sb breaks it up, the members separate and do not stay together (使)(集团或家庭)分解,分裂The conference broke up into discussion groups.
She had never intended to break up his family.
The Soviet Union began to break up in 1991.
苏联于 1991 年开始解体。
SYN split up (into sth) , split sb/sth up (into sth)
2. if a group of people who are gathered together break up, or sb breaks them up, they go away in different directions (使)(聚集的人)散开,解散The meeting broke up after two hours.
Police broke up the demonstration.
I don’t want to break up the party (= I don’t want to make everyone else leave), but I have to go.
[v + adv] [v + pron + adv] [v + n + adv] (less frequent) ˈbreak-up


[countable, uncountable]
the division of a company, a country, an organization or a group of people into smaller parts (公司、国家、组织或群体的)解体,瓦解the break-up of the Soviet Union
family break-up
ˌbreak ˈup (into sth) 🔑ˌbreak sth ˈup (into sth) 🔑if sth breaks up, or sb/sth breaks it up, it becomes separated into smaller pieces (把整体)拆开,拆散The ship broke up on the rocks.
Break the chocolate up into small pieces.
Sentences can be broken up into clauses.
[v + adv] [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析break (sth) up
break (sth) up ◇ shatter (sth) ◇ smash sth up ◇ splinter (sth)
These verbs all refer to sth breaking into lots of small pieces. 这些动词都表示分裂、碎裂、破裂。
break (sth) up
to separate, or make sth separate, into smaller pieces, either carefully or violently (使)分裂,破裂Break up the chocolate and place it in a bowl. 把巧克力掰成小块,放在碗里。The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞散了架。

shatter (sth)
to suddenly break into small pieces; to make sth do this 碎裂;打碎The explosion shattered all the windows in the building. 爆炸震碎了大楼里的所有窗户。

smash sth up
to destroy sth deliberately (蓄意)毁坏,摧毁,捣毁Youths had broken in and smashed the place up. 一群年轻人闯了进来,把这个地方砸得一片狼藉。
NOTE Smash can be used on its own, but is not used to talk about buildings, etc. * smash 可单独使用,但不用于指建筑物等She flew into one of her rages and started smashing crockery. 她又一次大发雷霆,开始摔碗砸盆。

splinter (sth)
(of wood, glass, stone or bone) to break into long, thin, sharp pieces; to make sth break in this way (使)(木头、玻璃、石块或骨头)裂成碎片The mirror cracked but did not splinter. 这面镜子开裂了,但是没碎。

People smash things deliberately; things shatter or get shattered as a result of explosions, flying bullets, stones, etc. * smash 是指蓄意弄碎; shatter 则是指因爆炸震碎或因射出的子弹、投掷的石块等击中而碎裂The thief smashed a window to get into her car. 窃贼砸碎了车窗,钻进了她的车子 。Windows were shattered in the blast. 爆炸把窗户震碎了。
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSthe glass / mirror smashed / shattered / splinteredto smash / shatter a glass / mirror / window / windscreen his smashed / shattered / splintered bones / skull / wrist to smash / smash sth up / shatter / break (sth) up into small / a thousand pieces
ˌbreak sb ˈup (old-fashioned, NAmE) to make sb laugh a lot 使纵声大笑Watching my grandson blow bubbles just broke me up.
SYN crack sb up (informal) [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌbreak sth ˈupto make sth that is rather boring, such as a period of time or a pattern, more interesting by adding sth different to it 给(乏味的事物)增添趣味;调剂(生活等)I break up my day by going for a walk in the afternoon.
Drawings were used to break up the page.
OBJ day, monotony[v + adv + n] [v + pron + adv] [v + n + adv] (less frequent)
ˈbreak with sb/sth (formal) to end your connection or relationship with sb/sth because you no longer agree with them (因分歧)与…绝交,与…决裂Nick broke with his father to set up his own firm.
[v + prep]
ˈbreak with sth (formal) to reject sth such as a tradition or the past and decide to do sth different 摈弃,破除(传统、成例等);破旧立新The prince broke with tradition by going to study abroad.
The new directors are eager to break with the past.
OBJ tradition, the past[v + prep]




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