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thin /θɪn/ (-nn-) ► SEE ALLthin sth down (with sth)thin outthin sth out●ˌthin sth ˈdown (with sth) to make a liquid less thick or strong, for example by adding water to it (掺水等)稀释,冲淡◆The paint needs to be thinned down with water before you use it. 颜料使用前需要加水调稀。 NOTE Thin sth is used on its own more frequently. * thin sth 单独使用更常见。[v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv]●ˌthin ˈoutto become fewer in number, or less thick 减少;变稀薄◆The crowd had thinned out and only a few people were left. 人群渐渐散去,只剩下几个人。◆Once they were clear of the city, the traffic started to thin out. 他们一出城,来往车辆就开始减少了。◆The trees began to thin out as we climbed higher. 我们再往上爬,树木就变得稀疏起来。SUBJ crowd, trees, traffic[v + adv]●ˌthin sth ˈoutto reduce the number of sth so that there is more space between them 把…分散开来;拉大…的间距◆Thin out the seedlings to about 10 cm apart. 按 10 厘米左右等距间苗。OBJ plants[v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv] |