●ˌtear sb/sth aˈpart🔑1. ( ˌtear itself, themselves, etc. aˈpart) to separate people in a family, an organization, a country, etc. and make them argue with or fight against each other使四分五裂;拆散;使支离破碎◆The civil war is tearing the country apart. 内战把这个国家搞得四分五裂。◆The family was torn apart by conflicting loyalties. 这个家庭因家人意见不合而破裂。◆The region was tearing itself apart. 这个地区正在瓦解。◆Jealousy tore them apart. 嫉妒令他们成了对头。2.to destroy or defeat sb/sth摧毁;打败◆We tore the other team apart in the second half. 我们在下半场把对方打得一败涂地。3.to criticize sb/sth severely严厉抨击◆You can’t write that—you’ll be torn apart. 你不能写那个——你会被骂得体无完肤的。[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]