

词组 stand
释义 stand /stænd/
(stood, stood /stʊd/ )
SEE ALLˌstand aˈroundˌstand aˈround sb/sth ( ˌstand aˈbout/ˈround, ˌstand ˈround sb/sth) to stand in a place doing nothing, either waiting for sb/sth or with no particular purpose (在某人旁或在某处)闲站着,站着等Don’t just stand around watching me, give me a hand.
There were a few people standing around the square.
A group of people stood around watching.
Young men stood about in groups, chatting.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌstand aˈside1. to move to one side to let sb/sth pass 站到一边;站开;让开Stand aside please and let her through.
2. to take no part in events; to do nothing 不参与;不介入I can’t stand aside and let you waste an opportunity like that.
3. to stop doing a job so that sb else can do it 退居一旁;让位于人It’s time he stood aside and let somebody younger take his place.
[v + adv]
ˌstand ˈback (from sth) 🔑1. to move a short distance away from sb/sth 靠后站;退后Stand well back from the flames.
2. to be located at a distance from sth 位于远离…的地方The house stands back from the road.
3. to think about a situation as if you are not involved in it 置身事外(来考虑);旁观She found it hard to stand back from the situation.
This is an opportunity to stand back and think about what you have achieved.
SYN step back (from sth) [v + adv]
ˌstand beˈtween A and Bto prevent sb from doing or having sth, or being in a particular situation 在…和…之间隔着;阻止Only three people stood between him and the crown (= becoming king).
Your lack of confidence is all that stands between you and a much better job.
[v + prep]
ˌstand ˈby 🔑1. to be present when sth bad or unpleasant is happening, but not become involved 袖手旁观;无动于衷;漠然置之I can’t stand idly by and let him take the blame for what happened.
I can’t stand by and see you ruin your life.
2. (for sth) to be ready to take appropriate action 作好准备(以便随时行动);待命;候命The pilot was instructed to stand by for take-off.
Fire crews are standing by in case of an explosion.
[v + adv] ˈbystander


a person who is present but is not involved in sth 旁观者Two innocent bystanders were hit by stray bullets.


1. [countable] a person or a thing that can be used if sb/sth else is not available 后备(或候补)人员;备用品Keep some candles as a standby in case the power fails.
Mia made a delicious meal from standbys in the store cupboard.
2. [uncountable] a state of being ready to act if necessary 待命状态All local hospitals have been put on standby.
3. [uncountable] if an electrical device such as a television is on standby, the power supply is switched on but it is not actually functioning (电器的)待机状态 Do you leave the TV on standby?


[only before noun]1. that can be used if other things are not available 备用的;候补的standby supplies
Two divers work together while a standby diver remains on the surface.
2. a standby ticket for a flight, a theatre, etc. is one that cannot be bought in advance and is only available a very short time before the plane leaves or the performance starts (机票、戏票等)最后时刻出售的,剩余的standby passengers
to fly standby (= with a standby ticket)
ˌstand ˈby sb 🔑to support or help sb in a difficult situation 支持,帮助,忠于(处于困境的人)I’ll stand by you whatever happens.
SYN stick by sb (informal) [v + prep]
ˈstand by sthto continue to believe sth you said earlier even though the situation may now be different 遵守(原先的诺言、协议等);不改(初衷)I’ll stand by what I said earlier.
The committee stood by their decision.
[v + prep]
ˌstand ˈdown1. (as/from sth) to leave a job or position; to stop taking part in a race or a competition, etc. 离职;下台;退出(比赛等)She stood down after only three months as chairman.
He stood down from the committee for personal reasons.
SYN step down (as/from sth)
2. (in court 在法庭上) to leave the place where you stand to give evidence 离开证人席The witness was allowed to stand down.
[v + adv]
ˌstand sb/sth ˈdownto give an official order that a group of people, equipment, etc. should no longer be in operation 命令(人员)撤离;指示(设备)停工 The regiment will be stood down from next month.
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˈstand for sth 🔑1. (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be a shorter form of sth 是…的缩写;是…的意思;代表What does DVD stand for?
DVD 代表什么?
2. to support sth; to be in favour of sth 支持;主张;赞同Our party stands for racial harmony.
I hated him and all he stood for.
3. (used in negative sentences and questions 用于否定句和疑问句) to allow sth to happen or sb to do sth 容忍;忍受;允许I won’t stand for this behaviour.
SYN put up with sth, tolerate sth
[v + prep]
ˌstand ˈin (for sb) to take sb’s place 代替,顶替(某人)We’ll need someone to stand in for you while you’re away.
SYN deputize (for sb) (formal) [v + adv] ˈstand-in


1. a person who does sb’s job for a short time while they are away or not available (职位或工作的)临时替代者Tom acted as my stand-in while I was abroad.
a stand-in goalkeeper
2. a person who replaces an actor in some scenes in a film/movie, especially dangerous ones (尤指电影中代拍危险场景的)替身演员rehearsing with stand-ins
ˌstand ˈout 🔑1. (against/from sth) to be clearly visible 显眼;突出His yellow jacket stood out clearly against the grey hillside.
The tower stands out against the sky.
A small figure in red stood out from the rest of the group.
SYN stick out
2. (as/from sb/sth) to be much better or more important than other people or things 出色;杰出;更为重要This building stands out from the rest because of its design.
She’s the sort of person who always stands out in a crowd.
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析stand out
excel ◇ shine ◇ stand out
These verbs all mean to be much better than other people or things, especially at doing sth. 这些动词都表示出色、杰出,尤指更擅长做某事。
to be very good at doing sth 擅长;善于She has always excelled in foreign languages. 她一向擅长外语。Music was something at which he excelled. 他擅长音乐。

to be very good at sth 擅长;善于He failed to shine academically, but was extremely popular with the other students. 他学业不出众,但在同学中间人缘极好。

stand out
to be much better or more important than other people or things 出色;杰出;更为重要Of all the members of the cast, two in particular stood out. 在所有演员当中,有两位演技特别出众。There will be lots of applications for the job, so yours really needs to stand out. 这份工作会有很多人应聘,所以你确实需要胜人一筹才行。

Shine is used especially in the phrase shining example and when talking about people doing well at school or college. Excel is used especially to talk about people being good at particular subjects or skills. * shine 尤用于 shining example 这个短语以及指学业优异。excel 尤用于指擅长某类课程或技能。
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSto excel at sthto excel / stand out as sthto shine / excel academically
3. (against/for sb/sth) to oppose or refuse to accept sth that you believe is wrong 反对,拒绝接受(认定错误的事情)Parents often stand out against troublesome behaviour for some time, then give in.
SYN stick out for sth, hold out against/for sth
[v + adv]
stand out like a sore thumbto be very noticeable in an unpleasant way 刺眼;碍眼Dressed like that, you’ll stand out like a sore thumb.


1. excellent 杰出的;卓越的an outstanding young actress
2. [usually before noun] very obvious or important 突出的;明显的;重要的Lake Baikal is one of earth’s outstanding features.
3. (of payment, work, problems, etc. 款项、工作、困难等) not yet paid, done, solved, etc. 未支付的;未完成的;未解决的to repay outstanding debts
I don’t have any urgent work outstanding.


1. used to emphasize the good quality of sth 特别;异常outstandingly beautiful / successful
2. extremely well 优异;极好Owen has played outstandingly this season.


(informal, especially NAmE)
a person or thing that is better, more impressive, etc. than others of a similar type 杰出的人(或物);出众的人(或物) This is my list of standouts in this week’s CD chart.
这是我制作的本周 CD 排行榜的最佳 CD。


[only before noun] (informal, especially NAmE)
better, more impressive, etc. than others of a similar type 杰出的;出众的;不同凡响的 There are a few real standout moments which put this movie ahead of others in its class.
ˌstand ˈover sbto remain close to sb and watch them, usually to make sure that they behave or do sth correctly 监督,监视(某人)She won’t do her homework unless I stand over her.
I can’t concentrate with you standing over me.
[v + prep]
ˌstand ˈroundˌstand ˈround sb/sth (BrE) stand around, stand around sb/sth ˌstand ˈup 🔑1. to rise to your feet from a sitting or lying position; to be on your feet 站立;站起;起立Darcy stood up when Emma came into the room.
There was silence when the President stood up to speak.
Stand up straight instead of slouching.
Horses can sleep standing up.
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析stand up
be on your feet ◇ get to your feet ◇ get up ◇ rise ◇ stand up
These verbs all mean to be in an upright position with your weight on your feet, or to put yourself in this position. 这些动词都表示站着或起立。
be on your feet
to be in a standing position 站着;立着;站立着I've been on my feet all day. 我站了一整天了。

get to your feet
to stand after sitting, kneeling or lying 起身;站起;起立I helped her to get to her feet. 我扶她站了起来。‘I'd better be going,’ he said, getting to his feet. “我该走了。”他说着站起身来。

get up
to get into a standing position from a sitting, kneeling or lying position 起身;站起;起立Please don't get up! I can let myself out. 请别站起来!我自己能出去。She got up and left the room. 她站起身来出了房间。

rise (formal)
to get into a standing position from a sitting, kneeling or lying position 起身;站起;起立They rose from the table. 他们从桌边站起来。She rose to her feet. 她站起身来。

stand up
to be in a standing position; to stand after sitting 站立;站起;起立Stand up straight! 站直了!I've been standing up for hours. 我已经站了几个小时了。He stood up and put on his coat. 他站起身来穿上了外套。
NOTE Stand can be used on its own * stand 可单独使用Everyone stood when the President entered the room. 总统一走进房间,大家都站了起来。

Stand usually means ‘to be in a standing position’: to stand talking; but it can also mean ‘to get into a standing position’. Stand up can be used with either of these meanings, but its use is more restricted: it is used especially when sb tells sb or a group of people to stand, or when sb has to stand up (for example, because there is nowhere to sit). Get up is the most frequent way of saying ‘get into a standing position’, and this can be from a sitting, kneeling or lying position; if you stand up, this is nearly always after sitting, especially on a chair. * stand 通常指“站立着”:to stand talking 站着说话;但也可指“站立起来”。stand up 可用于指这两个意义,但使用范围较窄:它尤用于指叫别人站起来,或不得不站起来(例如,因为无处可坐)。get up 是最常见的表示“站立起来”的说法,可指从坐着、跪着或躺着的状态站起身来; stand up 几乎总是指从坐着的状态站起身来,尤指从椅子上站起。
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSto get up / rise / stand up from sthto stand / get up / rise / stand up quickly / slowly to stand / stand up straight
2. (to sth) to remain true or correct even when tested, examined closely, etc. 经得起(考验、审查等);站得住脚Your theory doesn’t stand up to close examination.
His story won’t stand up under cross-examination.
SYN hold up
3. (to sth) to be strong enough not to be harmed by sth 经受住(打击等);毫发无损The children stood up well under questioning from the police.
The players are standing up to the tour well.
[v + adv] ˈstand-up


[only before noun]1. a stand-up comedian is an entertainer who tells jokes to an audience 单人滑稽表演的;说单人脱口秀的stand-up comedy
a stand-up act
2. (especially BrE) a stand-up argument, fight, etc. is one in which people shout loudly at each other or are violent towards each other (争论、打斗等)激烈的He had a stand-up row with the team captain.
3. (NAmE, informal) honest and easy to trust or depend on 诚实的;信得过的;堂堂正正的 He was known in business circles as a stand-up guy.
ˌstand sb ˈup (informal) to deliberately fail to meet sb you have arranged to meet, especially sb you are having a romantic relationship with (尤指恋人)故意失约使某人空等We agreed to meet at the cinema but she stood me up.
I’ve been stood up!
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n] (less frequent)
ˌstand sb/sth ˈup (especially NAmE) to prepare a group of people, equipment, etc. to do a particular job 配备好(人员);备妥(设备等) The authorities have stood up a special team to deal with the disaster.
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌstand ˈup for sb/sth/yourself 🔑to support or defend sb/sth/yourself, especially when sb is criticizing them/it/you 支持;维护She’s always stood up for her friends.
You should stand up for what you believe in.
He’s always telling her what to do. It’s time she stood up for herself!
James doesn’t need you to stand up for him.
OBJ your rights, your interests[v + adv + prep]
ˌstand ˈup to sb/sthto resist sb/sth; to defend your position against a more powerful person or organization that is treating you badly or unfairly 抵抗;勇敢维护;反抗(不公正待遇)If you don’t stand up to him he’ll treat you like dirt.
It was difficult for Paul to stand up to his father’s rage.
[v + adv + prep]
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析stand up to sb
defy sb/sth ◇ go against sb/sth ◇ oppose sth ◇ resist sth ◇ stand up to sb/sth
These verbs all mean to speak or act against things that you disagree with. 这些动词都表示反对、反抗、抵抗。
defy sb / sth
to refuse to obey or show respect for sb / sth in authority, a law, rule or decision 拒绝遵从,违抗,藐视(权威、法律、规则或决定)I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers. 我可不敢与老师作对。Hundreds of people today defied the ban on political gatherings. 今天有数百人违反禁令参加了政治集会。

go against sb / sth
to disagree with a rule or sb's wishes and do the opposite of what they say 反对,反抗(规则或某人的愿望);与…相违背He would not go against his parents' wishes. 他不会违背父母的意愿。

oppose sb / sth
to disagree strongly with a person, plan or policy, and to speak or act against them 反对,抵制(某人、计划或政策)This party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty. 该党将会强烈反对恢复死刑。He found himself opposed by his own deputy. 他发现自己的副手反对自己。

resist sth
to refuse to accept a change or what sb wants to do, and try to stop it from happening 抗拒,抵抗,抵御(变革或某人想做的事情)They are determined to resist pressure to change the law. 他们决意顶住压力,拒绝修改法律。

stand up to sb / sth
to refuse to accept bad treatment from a more powerful person or organization without complaining 勇敢面对,反抗(欺压)It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies. 她很有勇气,敢于反抗那些恃强凌弱之徒。

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSto oppose / resist change / a plan / a proposal / an idea to oppose a decision to oppose / defy a ban / the law / sb's wishes to oppose / defy / stand up to the government to defy your parents / authority / a rule / an order to effectively / fiercely / bitterly / strongly oppose / resist sth
ˌstand ˈup to sth 🔑 (of a product, material, etc. 产品、材料等) to be able to stay in good condition even though it is treated roughly 能承受;经受得住;耐用Will your china and glass stand up to family wear and tear?
SYN withstand sth (formal) [v + adv + prep]




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