●ˌspread ˈout🔑1.to gradually cover a wider area(逐渐)扩展,扩散,蔓延◆The city has spread out into what used to be countryside. 城市渐渐延伸到了从前的乡村。◆The ripples spread out across the water. 涟漪在水面荡开。◆ (figurative) A bright future spread out before him. 光明的前景展现在他面前。NOTESpread is also frequently used on its own with this meaning * spread 单独使用也常作此义◆The fields spread for miles along the river. 田野沿河延伸好几英里。2. ( ˌspread yourselves ˈout) to move away from others in a group so as to cover a wider area(人群)散开◆The search party spread out over the moor. 搜索队在旷野四面散开。◆Don’t all sit together. Spread yourselves out. 别都挨在一块儿坐,分开坐吧。3. ( ˌspread yourself ˈout) to stretch your body or arrange your things over a large area伸展身体;摊开◆There’s more room to spread out in business class. 商务舱宽敞些,伸得开腿。◆Do you have to spread yourself out all over the sofa? 你就非得摊开手脚,把整个沙发全占了?1[v + adv]2, 3also[v + pron + adv]