释义 |
●ˌspill ˈout●ˌspill ˈout of sth1. to accidentally flow out of a container (从容器中意外地)流出,溢出,泼出◆The contents of her bag spilled out everywhere. 她袋子里的东西撒得到处都是。◆Water had spilled out onto the floor. 水溅到了地板上。2. to come out in large numbers or amounts 大量出现;涌出◆The theatre crowds spilled out onto the pavement. 剧院的观众纷纷涌上人行道。◆The children spilled out into the yard. 孩子们蜂拥到院子里。SYN pour out, pour out of sth[v + adv] |