●ˌslow ˈdown🔑●ˌslow sb/sth ˈdown🔑 ( ˌslow ˈup, ˌslow sb/sth ˈupless frequent) 1.to go, or to make sb/sth go, at a slower speed(使)慢下来,减速◆Slow down, I can’t keep up with you. 慢点儿,我跟不上你。◆The bus slowed up as it approached the junction. 公共汽车在驶近交叉路口时放慢了速度。◆The heat slowed us down. 我们热得慢了下来。◆The roadworks are slowing the traffic up in the mornings. 道路施工减缓了早晨车辆的通行速度。2.to be less active or develop more slowly; to make sb/sth do this(使某人)松弛;(使发展)减缓◆He looks ill, he should slow down. 他看上去不太舒服,该放松一下了。◆The economy has slowed down. 经济发展放缓了。◆They claim they can slow up the ageing process. 他们声称能够延缓衰老过程。[v + adv][v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]▸ˈslowdown
1.a decrease in the rate of activity or production(活动或生产的)减速,减退◆a slowdown in the economy 经济放缓2. (NAmE) a protest that workers make by doing their work more slowly than usual怠工◆The union threatened a slowdown if their demands were not met. 工会威胁说,如果不答应要求他们就怠工。