to make a night of it
to make a noise
to make a noise
to make a noise
to make a nonsense of sth
to make a note of sth
to make a note of sth
to make a note
to make a nuisance of yourself
to make a packet
to make a pact to do sth
to make a pact with sb
to make a pact with the devil
to make a pass at sb
to make a payment
to make a phone call
to make a pig of yourself
to make a pig's ear of sth
to make a pig's ear of sth
to make a pig's ear of sth
to make a pile
to make a pilgrimage
to make a pit stop
to make a pitch for sb
to make a pitch for sth
to make a play for sb
to make a play for sth
to make a prediction
to make a presentation
to make a pretence of doing sth
to make a production of sth
to make a production out of sth
to make a profit
to make a profit
to make a promise to do sth
to make a promise
to make a purchase
to make a quip about sth
to make a racket
to make a reach for sth
the Square Mile
the staff
the stage
the stand
the standard of sth…
the standard procedure
the Stannaries
the Stans
the staring eyes of a visionary
the Stars and Bars
the Stars and Stripes
the stars are aligned for sth…
the Star-Spangled Banner
the State Department
the State pension scheme
the state sector
the statement of the obvious
the States General
the States of the Federation of Malaya
the States
the Statue of Liberty
the status quo
the steep
the Steppes
the Steppes
the steps of the local library
the sticks
the still of sth
the stock exchange
the stock market
the stock-market slump
the stocks
the Stone Age
the Stone Age
the Stones
the storm belt
the story goes that …
the story goes
the stoutness of his resolve
the straight
the Strait of Gibraltar
the Strait of Juan de Fuca
the Straits of Florida
the Strand
the strangeness of the music
the strangling of our export trade
the strap
the Strategic Defense Initiative
the straw that broke the camel's back
the strength and durability of oak
the stresses of urban living
the stretch
the striking harlequin floor
the strings
the strongman of British politics
the struggle
the student body
the student community
the study and practice of drama
the stuff of dreams
the stuff of nightmares
the subject of sth…
the sublime
the submarine's propulsion system
the submontane path
the subtropics
the suburbs
the successful bidder
the Sudan
the Sudeten
the Sudetes
the Suez Canal
the suffocation of royal life
the suffragette movement
the sullens
the Sultan of Oman
the Sulu Archipelago
the Sulu Sea
the sum total of sth
the sum total
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