2.fast asleep沉睡的;熟睡的
When he went upstairs, she was fast asleep.当他上楼时, 她已睡熟了。
She tried to pull her hand away but he held her fast.她试图把手挣脱出来, 但他却紧紧地抓着她。
The car was stuck fast in the mud.汽车牢牢地陷在烂泥里。
4.(in quick succession)快速不断地;接二连三地
The crashes were following fast on one another.车祸接二连三地发生。
5.(ahead of time)run +走得快地;偏快地
The clock is running a little fast.这钟略微快了一点。
6.(recklessly)live +骄奢淫逸地;放荡不羁地
They were guys living fast with flashy lifestyles.他们这些家伙过的是浮华放荡的生活。