

词组 to handle sth with kid gloves
1.(for warmth)手套

He stuck his gloves in his pocket.他把手套插入口袋。

a pair of white cotton gloves一副白色棉手套

2.(for protection)(体育运动中使用的)保护手套(例如拳击手套)
3.to fit like a glove
clothes +正合适

The bikini fitted her like a glove.这件比基尼她穿正合适。

4.hand in glove<非正式>(closely associated)
people +亲密无间

You and Friedman are hand in glove. You knew their decision all along.你和佛里德曼关系亲密, 你一直都清楚他们的决定。

work +密切合作;勾结

working hand in glove with the criminal underworld与黑社会勾结

go +密切关联

Brutality and inhumanity go hand in glove with war.残忍和暴虐与战争密切相关。

5.to handle sb/sth with kid gloves<非正式>+ person温和对待;小心谨慎地对待

Nowadays parents have to be handled with kid gloves.如今对待家长要非常小心翼翼。

+ thing小心处理

Many products are available for young people but some should be handled with kid gloves.针对年轻人的产品有很多, 但有一些要谨慎对待。

6.with the gloves off<非正式>(with no reservations)毫不留情地;毫无保留地

The British shopper has come out with the gloves off to prove these people wrong.这名英国买家毫不客气地站出来证明这些人是错的。

See glove




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