

词组 to be mentioned in sb's will
1.(say something about)(简短地)提及, 说起

She did not mention her mother's absence.她没有谈及她母亲的缺席。

I felt as though I should mention it as an option.我感到似乎我应该把它作为一个可选项提一下。

Penny decided not to mention her cold.彭妮决定不提她感冒的事。

I just thought I'd mention it.我仅仅是认为我应该提一下这个。

I didn't mention the fishing trip.我没有谈及钓鱼之行。

He didn't mention the subject again for the rest of the evening.那天晚上他没有再提起那个话题。

I've never heard him mention his ex-wife.我从没有听他谈过他的前妻。

He mentioned how much the taxi had cost.他提到了坐出租车花了多少钱。

She shouldn't have mentioned how heavy the box was.她本不应该说那箱子有多重的。

(to get a favour)提某人的名字

Mention my name at the box office and they may show you round.在售票处提一下我的名字, 他们或许会带你四处参观一下。

I mention this because …我提到这个是因为…

I mention this because many people think cacti need hardly any water.我提到这个是因为许多人认为仙人掌几乎不需要水。

2.(in article, letter, report)(在文章中)谈到, 提及

I have mentioned a number of times the beneficial effects of music played to the unborn child.我已数次谈及给未出生孩子播放音乐的益处。

3.(as candidate)提名, 推荐(候选人)

I felt I should mention him in the credits.我觉得应该把他列入致谢名单。

See alsodispatch²
5.to be mentioned in sb's will
(be left something)获得遗产

As for your father, he won't be mentioned in my will.至于你的父亲, 我不会给他留下什么遗产的。

6.don't mention it!
(in response to thanks)别客气!

Thank you very much!—Don't mention it!非常感谢!——别客气!

7.not to mention
(as well as)除…之外(还)

We have deadlines to meet, not to mention people to pay.除了要支付人员工资外, 我们还要赶期限。

The audience, not to mention the cast, were not amused.剧中人没有被逗乐, 观众也觉得没趣。

Wouldn't it be simpler, not to mention cheaper, to holiday in Britain?便宜自不必说, 到英国度假不会更简单些吗?

See mention




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