

词组 an excess of sth
1.an excess of sth
(excessive amount)过度的…;过分的…;过量的…

He had been worn out by an excess of work and worry.超负荷的工作和过度的忧虑使得他精疲力竭。

The salad had such an excess of chilli that it was almost inedible.色拉里辣椒放得太多, 都快没法吃了。

An excess of house plants in a small flat can be oppressive.在一套小公寓里摆放过多的盆栽植物可能会让人感到压抑。

2.(extra amount)超出的数额;多余的部分

You would not be taxed on the first £4,250 of rental income, but you would have to pay income tax on the excess.租金收入在4,250英镑以内的部分不用缴税, 但超出部分需要缴纳所得税。

Dust with flour and shake off the excess.在上面撒上面粉并把多出来的面粉抖掉。

3.<尤英>(on insurance policy)免赔额;需本人承担款额

The company wanted £1,800 for a policy with a £400 excess for under-21s.公司想要办理单价为1,800英镑的保单, 并且要求21岁以下人员独自承担400英镑的免赔额。


Nero, a byword for cruelty and excess尼禄——残暴与放纵的代名词

Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health. Excess is harmful, however.多不饱和油对于维持健康是必不可少的, 然而过量摄入却是有害的。

She said she was sick of her life of excess.她说自己厌倦了毫无节制的生活。

See alsoexcesses
See excess




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