not know your arse from your elbow
not know your ass from your elbow
not know you’re born
not least
not leave sb’s side
not let the grass grow under your feet
(not) lift a finger (to do sth)
not lift a finger to do sth
not long for this world
(not) look a gift horse in the mouth
not look a gift horse in the mouth
not look back
not look good
(not) look yourself
not look yourself
not lose any sleep over sb
not lose any sleep over sb/sth
not lose any sleep over sth
not mean any harm
not mean (sb) any harm
not mean sb any harm
not mince matters
not mince your words
not move a muscle
not move an inch
not much chop
not much cop
not much in it
not nearly
not necessarily
not/never darken sb’s door again
not/never have a good word to say for/about sb/sth
not/never in a hundred etc. years
not/never put/set a foot wrong
not/never set the Thames on fire
not/never set the world on fire
not not be able to tell one end of sth from the other
not on
not on any account
not one/a jot (or tittle)
not one bit
not one jot
not one jot or tittle
not one (little) bit
not one little bit
not one whit
not only… but (also)…
not only… but also…
not only… but …
not on your life
not on your nelly
not out of the wood
not out of the wood(s)
not out of the woods
not pass your lips
not put a foot wrong
not put your finger on sth
not quite the thing
not say a dicky bird
not say/hear a dicky bird
(not) sb’s scene
not sb’s scene
not see beyond/past the end of your nose
not see beyond the end of your nose
(not) see eye to eye (with sb) (about/on/over sth)
not see eye to eye with sb about sth
not see eye to eye with sb on sth
not see eye to eye with sb over sth
not see hide nor hair of sb
not see hide nor hair of sb/sth
not see hide nor hair of sth
not see past the end of your nose
not see sb for dust
not see the forest for the trees
not see the wood for the trees
not set a foot wrong
not set the Thames on fire
not set the world on fire
not sleep a wink
not so bad
not so fast
not so hot
not so much as as doing sth
not so much as sth/as doing sth
not so much as sth doing sth
before you can say Jack Robinson
before you know where you are
before your eyes
before your (very) eyes
before your very eyes
be for it
be for the best
be for the chop
be for the high jump
be freeze like a deer in the headlights
be frightened/nervous/scared of your own shadow
be frightened of your own shadow
be full of crap
be full of shit
be full of shit/crap
be full to bursting
be full to bursting (with sth)
be full to bursting with sth
be further removed from sth
be furthest removed from sth
beg borrow or steal
be/get above yourself
be/get (all) riled up
be/get (all) steamed up (about/over sth)
be/get carried away
be/get done for sth/for doing sth
be get etc. out of control
be/get even with sb
be/get/go beyond a joke
be/get/have one up on sb
be/get in a fix
be/get in/into a tizzy/tizz (about sth)
be/get in on sth
be/get in on the act
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